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Current location: home page > Mobile game download > cosplay >New Legend of Heroes of Sculpture Shooting: Full Blood and Dedication v Version v7.0.3 Android Version

New Legend of Heroes in Sculpture Shooting: Full v Version

  • edition: v7.0.3
  • size: 3.82 GB
  • Date: 2024-06-25
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: cosplay
  • Environmental Science: android、iOS
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • keep on record: Shu ICP Bei No. 19041463 - 4A
  • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-498-07874-2
  • manufacturer: Shenzhen Douyue Network Technology Co., Ltd
  • Network required
Introduction to the game

New Legend of Heroes Shooting and Carving It is a Jinyong Heroes game authorized by Jinyong's genuine IP and created by Shenzhen Douyue Network Technology Co., Ltd. We will see familiar faces in this game, including Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Yang Guo, Xiao Longnv, Zhang Wuji, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi, and so on. While bringing players full memories, it is also different from traditional martial arts games in playing methods, Its ink splashing and brushwork, bold and unconstrained freehand brushwork style, restore the original style of Wulin. The Jianghu is as beautiful as a picture scroll, showing the chivalrous style in every stroke. With the dynamic interpretation of black and white cartoons, three layers of dynamic effects and full screen moves, the Jianghu can be opened in person. Hundreds of famous heroes and swordsmen gathered in time and space to restore the classic stories of Jin Yong's swordsmen, such as Hua Shan's sword debate, Yang Guo's broken arm, and the siege of Guangming Summit. Learn unique skills, connect energy channels, unlock exclusive weapons, and fight in the Jianghu with the legendary Great Xia. You can also fight for the city and dominate the Wulin in the unique innovative light SLG city war!

Ps: What this compilation brings is New Legend of Heroes in Sculpture Shooting: Full v Version You can log in to the game as a full level vip. You can get many game gifts with one click and become a local tyrant. Come and experience the martial arts Jianghu.

Game features

[True Shooting and Carving in the Jianghu]

Genuine license of Jin Yong IP, the first collection of the trilogy of archery

Black and white animation depicts the classic plot, Huashan Dujian, Yang Guo's broken arm, besieging Guangmingding and other famous scenes are perfectly reproduced.

Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Yang Guo, Xiao Longnv, Zhang Wuji, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi and other heroes in the world are in your hands!

[Real Dynamic Jianghu]

Hui style architectural art, alternating day and night, wind, frost, rain and snow, particle dynamic effect shows the beauty of the dynamic Jianghu.

The Jianghu is between the wandering of peddlers and vagrants.

[Real Ink Jianghu]

Splashing ink and brushwork, national charm ink freehand brushwork style, high quality art, the beauty of the Jianghu is like a scroll, showing the chivalrous style every stroke.

[Adventure in the Jianghu]

Refresh the Adventure NPC, and set out on an adventure.

Seeing injustice on the road, I ran into an expert, learned magic skills, and saved the beauty. Every day in the Jianghu, there are real adventures.

New Legend of Heroes Shooting and Engraving: Introduction to Sword Tomb with Iron Blood and Dedication Version V

Sword Tomb is the most enjoyable pve game in the game. Of course, the level breaking mainly depends on your own strength and good strategies. How can you reasonably match the lineup to easily break through the level and obtain more rewards?, How about getting more rewards by easily passing the highest number of layers? Here are some tips from Sword Tomb:

[Sword Tomb Mechanism]

The enemies in the sword tomb are different from the ordinary opponents. They have extremely abnormal attributes. High HP, armor and attack power make it easy for low level players to scrape when facing high level bosses. So there are some points to pay attention to when facing cross battle force challenges [Weapon selection]

The most important weapon in the Sword Tomb is the critical hit kit, which is one of the most important weapons. If you want to cross the battle force, you must take this. If you don't have the orange quality, you can also use the purple one. Because of its percentage damage characteristic, even if the boss has high HP and armor, we can defeat the opponent with enough strength

[Train of thought]

First team

As the core card of the team, Guo Jing, Mei Chao, Feng Feng and Chen Whirlwind can achieve nearly unlimited control in the first few rounds, and then quickly reduce the enemy's HP with the group attack card.

Specific operation steps:

In the first round, Guo Jing took control and Mei Chaofeng used general attack to accumulate anger

From the second round to the third round, Mei Chaofeng continued to control through general attack and skills

The fourth round launches the leading role skill

Chen Whirlwind is responsible for replenishment control and harvesting

The other two cards can take any group attack card, and Dugu is the best. If you control them manually properly, you can make six or more moves in one round. Fan Yao is recommended to use if the cost is low. The general attack can make your skills more efficient. Regardless of the output of the card itself, the subsequent output all depends on the percentage of critical hit sets, so the output frequency, that is, the speed of putting skills, determines the damage of a card. So the remaining cards of the first team can be matched with group attack at will.

Team 2

Output core: Zhou Zhiruo, Ouyang Feng

Auxiliary: Yang Xiao, Tian Zhu, Zhou Botong/Xiao Zhao

Ouyang Feng's poison wound output ignores armor, and Zhou Zhiruo also ignores armor, which is very strong in the sword tomb environment. Yang Xiao is the magic card necessary for this lineup, and uses manual operation of card attack to significantly increase the frequency of skill release in the back row. Tianzhu is responsible for the protection and supplementary control of the team. The wet nurse can choose one from Zhou Botong and Xiao Zhao to ensure the survival of the team. Under the protection of the three auxiliary parts of this lineup, Yang Xiao and Ouyang Feng can maximize their output with critical hit costumes, and the front hard opponents need not be consulted.

Introduction to the new Legend of Heroes Shooting and Engraving: Full of Blood and Dedication v Version

1. Peach Blossom Island

Master: Huang Yaoshi, the leader of Huanghua Island

Sect characteristic: pursuit of extreme attack

Zhenzong's treasure: peach blossom jade flute (a keepsake made by Herbalist Huang to remember his wife, and use it to express his yearning in his heart)

The grand master of Peach Blossom Island is the familiar "Dongxie", whose characteristic is to pursue extreme attack. Young partners who want to feel the excitement can choose this sect.

2. White Camel Mountain

Master: Ouyang Feng, a Western Poison

Sect characteristics: outstanding defense ability

Treasure of Zhenzong: Green Snake King Ding (originally the treasure of western regions' poisonous insects, obtained by Ouyang Feng, and later regarded as the keepsake of Baituoshan Sect)

Baituo Mountain is naturally the ancestral gate of Ouyang Feng, the western poison. Its characteristics lie in its outstanding defense ability. Moreover, the treasure of the ancestral gate, the Bi Snake King Ding, can not only provide health bonus, but also reduce damage and improve armor.

3. Dali Palace

Grand Master: Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing

Clan characteristics: balanced development

Zhenzong's treasure: Tianlong Jade Seal (Tianlong Temple was carved with mysterious gems and jade, and presented to Dali Duan's family to honor his position, so it was the imperial seal of Dali)

The Grand Master of the Dali Palace is Master Yideng of the Southern Emperor, and Duan Zhixing is the layman name of Master Yideng, whose treasure is the Tianlong Jade Seal.

4. Beggars' Sect

Grandmaster: Northern Beggar Hong Qigong

Sect characteristics: outstanding physical strength and defense

Zhenzong's treasure: Jiuxian gourd (a keepsake inherited by the Beggars' Sect from previous dynasties, which is said to contain clear water and also has a strong aroma of wine)

As a master of the Beggars' Sect, Hong Qigong is famous for his chivalrous heart in the Jianghu. Meanwhile, his outstanding physical strength and defense ability are also sect characteristics.

Update log


Fix some known bugs and optimize the game experience

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