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Current location: home page > Mobile game download > Chess and card board games >Chinese Chess Genuine v1.83 Android Edition

Chinese Chess Genuine

  • edition: v1.83
  • size: 22.48 MB
  • Date: 2024-05-20
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: Chess and card board games
  • Environmental Science: android
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • keep on record: Min ICP Bei No. 2021007603-3A
  • MD5: CFFA6E40BAC5F699C17AB6611734FC69
  • Package name: com.cnvcs.xiangqi
  • manufacturer: Fuzhou Gulou Duolite Information Technology Co., Ltd
  • Network required No advertising
Introduction to the game

As we all know, Chinese chess is a kind of "chess" originated in China. It has a long history in China and is also a treasure of our national culture. It belongs to a kind of two person confrontation game. Chinese chess uses a square checkerboard. There are 32 round chess pieces, and 16 red and black chess pieces, which are placed and moved at the intersection. Both sides play chess alternately, and the one who "kills" the opponent's general (handsome) first wins. And I recommend it this time Chinese Chess Genuine It is a puzzle game with strong Chinese characteristics. The wonderful chess game makes you feel the breadth and depth of Chinese chess. You can immediately enter several exciting chess games without networking. If you want to fight with friends, you can also open Bluetooth or connect to the same WiFi for online confrontation. Users with demand are welcome to download on this site!

Game highlights

1. Single machine mode is adopted. What should we do if we want to find someone to fight when visiting relatives' houses or going to the toilet without online access to QQ? It doesn't matter that our games don't need to be connected to the Internet. Just a little bit can make us enjoy the pleasure of fighting on the battlefield and winning the commanding position. Mom no longer has to worry about my boring toilet.

2. The difficulty can be adjusted freely. What should I do if I am abused by a giant in QQ and United Chess? It's OK. Let's set the difficulty to the lowest, make the computer cool, and then slowly increase the difficulty to exercise my chess ability, and go back to find Giant for revenge!

3. Optimize intelligence and make a changeable start. If you are tired of the computer's unchangeable way of starting, let's come here. Our game uses the most advanced intelligent algorithm and has a flexible beginning. It will fight you for 300 rounds with various postures.

4. Two player game mode. The two player game mode allows you to compete with your partner on the same stage to see who wins.

Game features

1. Support human-computer game, everyone game, online game, Bluetooth, Wi Fi online game. In human-computer chess, you can select multiple difficulty levels from novice to master. Computers think fast and have great chess power.

2. In chess mode, you can load games, save games, and arrange chess games.

3. The challenge mode has thousands of built-in endgame and game arrangement for chess players to practice various chess kills, and provides computer prompt function.

4. Online chess playing mode can be set to let children and let first, and support repentance, reconciliation, and surrender.

5. It supports the function of playing chess scores. It can load chess score files, browse chess scores, and play chess scores automatically.

6. Support CBL, CBR, PGN, XQF, MXQ, CHE chess spectrum file formats, and support annotation and change.

7. The play mode can be switched to the chess playing mode at any time, which is convenient for studying chess games and can restore the play state.

8. Playbook mode includes the function of guessing chess scores (score mode), which is used to memorize chess scores or guess the master's moves to improve chess ability.

9. Provide a large number of classic chess manuals for chess friends to download and study.

10. If the Bluetooth online game fails to connect, try pairing in Bluetooth settings or creating a game with another person.

11. Wi Fi online game requires both parties to access the same WLAN.

12. Suitable for screens of various resolutions.

How to play Chinese chess

1. Download and open the stand-alone version of Chinese chess on this website, and you can see the common playing methods of chess, challenge, play, online, etc. on the first interface

2. Click Chess to enter the chess game as shown in the figure below. Players can also click a new game to start again;

3. Click the menu to view the chess manual and save the match operation;

4. Click Set to set the difficulty of red and black human-computer and chess game;

5. In addition, in the challenge, there are many ways for players to play;

6. For example, there are 575 chess games in the book of killing methods, all waiting for this player to challenge;

7. Players can also play online through Bluetooth and wifi;

Chess moves

There are 32 pieces in total, which are divided into two groups: red and black. There are 16 pieces in each group, each of which is divided into seven types. Their names and numbers are as follows:

Red chessmen: one handsome, two cars, two horses, two guns, two ministers and five soldiers

Black chess pieces: one general, two chariots, two horses, two guns, two elephants and five soldiers

1、 Handsome/General

1. The red side is "handsome", and the black side is "general". Shuaihe will be the head of the chess game and the goal that both sides strive for

2. It can only move within the "Nine Palaces", up and down, left and right. Each time it moves, it can only move one square by vertical or horizontal lines. Shuai and Jiang cannot face each other directly in the same straight line, or they will lose if they leave

2、 Official

The red side is "official", and the black side is "scholar". It can only walk around the nine palaces. Its chess path can only be a diagonal line in the Nine Palaces. A person can only walk one diagonal grid at a time

3、 Image/Phase

The red side is "phase", and the black side is "image". Its way of walking is to follow the diagonal line twice at a time, commonly known as "Xiangfeitian". The movement range of Xiang (Xiang) is limited to its own position within the "river boundary", and it cannot cross the river. If there is a chess piece in the middle of the "field", it cannot go, which is commonly known as "Saixiang Eye"

4、 Car

The car is the most powerful in chess. It can walk on both horizontal and vertical lines. As long as there is no child to stop it, the number of steps is unlimited. It is commonly known as "straight road for cars". Therefore, one vehicle can control 17 points, so it is called "one vehicle with ten cold".

5、 Cannon

When cannons don't eat, they walk the same way as cars, but when cannons eat, they must skip over a chess piece, which can be used by both our side and the enemy, commonly known as "shelling the partition" and "climbing the mountain"

6、 Horse

The way for a horse to walk is always to walk diagonally, that is, first walk horizontally or vertically, and then walk diagonally, commonly known as "horse walking day". The choice points that a horse can walk at one time can reach eight points around, so there is a saying of "prestige in all directions". If there are other chess pieces in the direction of going, the horse can't walk past, commonly known as "bad horse leg"

7、 Soldiers/pawns

The red side is the "soldier", and the black side is the "pawn"

Soldiers (soldiers) can only move forward, not backward, and cannot cross the river before crossing. After crossing the river, you can move left and right, but you can only take one step at a time. Even so, the power of soldiers (soldiers) is greatly enhanced, so there is a saying that "small soldiers cross the river and top big cars"

Update log


Adapt to the higher version of Android system.

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    Challenge and decompress Senior Games Win7 games Non online games Mobile chess game

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