Study abroad related groups

8436 Boston gather here

===========[Please read the following details when applying for membership, please do not send harassing emails if rejected]========== Instructions for applying for joining the group: Please specify [Application reason]

 French. France
168804 small methods gather here

Welcome to the largest French/French group of Douban! Everything about France Romantic Paris or Provence Angels love beauty or are they young French Chant also...

 Answers to questions about studying in Italy
9641 members gather here

I have been engaged in the service of studying in Italy since I returned home, and I hope I can provide you with better help. *Some points for attention before consulting about studying in Italy* 1. Just

 Little fags in Europe~
1086 fags gather here

especially for gay guys. Foundation friends who live in Europe and want to study in Europe No matter what degree you come to study, bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctor's degree Or study tour

 Who the fuck invented the lonely thing of going abroad
202958 lonely abducted children gather here

Not the most boring Only more lonely Are you out of the country What page have you read No matter how bright the sun is, it can't warm my heart ...

 IELTS synchronous mutual aid
174725 roast ducks gather here

Roast ducks~Let's review together. High solidarity score! This is the garden of roast duck exchange. You are welcome to publish your original experience and help future generations in a friendly way. Heavy

 We are all studying abroad D I.Y
32319 DIYers gather here

Cherish money and stay away from intermediaries. Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands. Let those cheats and parasites go to hell!

 IELTS Review Group
50240 Yayou members gathered here

The IELTS exam review group asked the students to work together, discuss and write review diaries. Come on, officially enter the IELTS exam review state. IELTS, International English Language

 Douban Studying Abroad
56716 international students gathered here


120501 roast ducks gather here

A platform for the exchange of roast ducks. Advertisers will be given permanent titles.

 Consultation and Mutual Assistance for Studying Abroad
25979 jet lag party reserve troops gather here

To study abroad has become a big time difference party! But I don't understand many things about exam application, right! Please post for help, and welcome some excellent resources to share and help each other

 Studying abroad - I only rely on myself
36920 future turtles gather here

Great changes have taken place in the group recently, please wait! August 10, 2010 The scope of recent group adjustment: Qingren, organize discussion on studying abroad, clean up rubbish posts, please post an application administrator

76435 TOEFLers gather here

A gathering place of solidarity, mutual assistance and fraternity. The group welcomes any doubt, experience and experience about preparing for TOEFL test. Maybe one of your casual replies will make one of your TOEFL friends leave less

 British Association of International Students
27706 members gather here

This is a place for British students to be dazed, :)

 Preparatory Circle for Studying in Australia
31442 Tu'ao villagers gather here

About to leave his family Leaving people you can rely on and trust Friends also want to say goodbye to you Is going to another country Continuing dreams I hope you can exchange ideas here ...

 Studying in the UK
143470 members gather here

Exchange group for British students; Share a variety of time, place and people britain An island country smaller than Shandong Province... Yingcun A developed and lonely

23242 etudiant/e gathered here

A group to exchange French learning The group regularly cleans up advertisements

 IELTS 7 points
31732 microwave roast ducks gather here

Our goal is: average 7! International English Language Testing System (IELTS for short), the Chinese name is International English Language Testing Department

 Studying in Japan
79837 members gather here

No matter you are an international student in Japan, Still in the process of going to Japan, Or friends who plan to study in Japan in the future, This group always welcomes everyone to come here to exchange experience

 Studying in Holland
12316 Dutch students gathered here

The main purpose of this group: DIY applies to Dutch universities to help each other. The group's QQ group will be launched in the next step. This group is a public welfare group, which refuses any form of advertising