Travel related groups

 Tourism failure
112849 failed population gathered here

Posting specification 🔔: In order to ensure the quality of the group's posts and create a friendly atmosphere for complaining, please follow the speaking rules and group rules. **[Group Regulation] * *:

 Tourism Success Group
87980 10086 people gathered here

Share successful travel experience Let more people travel successfully No companion stickers or transfer stickers will be issued. Travel problem consultation moves to other group. Exchange the experience of successful travel, which can be preparation, scenery

 Travel group | travel around the world
216082 group members gathered here

We all love traveling, and the expansion of the group depends on everyone. I hope we can have a warm atmosphere for discussion. The good discussion atmosphere of the group needs to be jointly maintained by everyone, such as the discovery and group leader

 Village lovers
78784 villages gather here

Abbreviation: village group. We like villages The village is the nearest settlement habitat to nature The temperament of our village group is natural growth, simple and unsophisticated …… ⚠️ ...

 Watch the exhibition group without making an appointment or taking a selfie
127401 little immortals gather here

The approximate group name indicates the problem "No appointment, no selfie" It's to really watch the exhibition In the process of watching the exhibition, there was really nothing to communicate, and I was moved by myself

 One man walking coordinate strategy
52137 people gathered here

As a very tangled and contradictory person, there is always a time when he wants to go out, but he doesn't want others to disturb your universe. I call it "one person walking": one person, one bag

 Mountain View Enthusiast Club
83840 mountain watchers gathered here

It is forbidden to post about mountain climbing. Delete one after another!

 There is no travel strategy that can't be done
31301 big matches selling dried fish are gathered here

For detailed group rules, please click here:

 Grand Appreciation of Temple Buildings
12143 temple people gathered here

Share everything about temples and shrines together! Including but not limited to architectural beauty photos, origin legends, travel strategies, surrounding cultural creation, folk anecdotes, etc. This group has no belief, but firmly respects

 Border culture lovers
53785 members gather here

Border or border area refers to the area adjacent to the border or national boundary in political science and geography. The border culture has a certain edge and tolerance compared with the Central Plains culture and the central culture

 What's in the area? Really! Delicious restaurant!!
34005 small restaurants gather here

Only delicious restaurants are shared here, and yxh is rejected The first thing I think of when I go to a place is eating Who doesn't want to enjoy local food in the circle of friends But I often step on the thunder ...

 We are all cruise seamen
1878 sailors gathered here

Cruise workers share cruise life, Amway shore food, ask questions when they encounter problems, and summarize experience.

 Street name observer
32887 observers gathered here

Streets and alleys are the blood vessels of human settlements. The streets and alleys in every city and village have unique naming rules, from which we can see the local regional characteristics and historical heritage

 Commemorative Medallion Collection Paradise
3079 small partners gathered here

Each seal has its own story and meaning. Let's collect all kinds of commemorative medals together. Group requirements: 1. Before posting, please use the query function to query the spot printing

 Bus travel enthusiasts
12397 people passing by and observing the world gathered here

It doesn't matter where the first bus arrives in a strange city The scenery along the way becomes a unique memory No tour groups, no hot

 We change hotels and youth shelters every day
1144 resident cats gather here

I don't know where I am when I open my eyes every day. Yes, we travel in various countries and cities all the year round, and our work causes us to travel frequently, "no fixed residence", carry luggage, and tomorrow

 Beijing Road Bicycle
379 wind breakers gather here

This group is an activity group for road bike enthusiasts to discuss. Welcome to join the group to talk about bicycle culture, propose bicycle activities, talk about bicycle configuration, and enjoy freedom, life and pleasure

 Hand-painted travel
130724 members gather here

Painting is to observe the heart of the world and your own steps. This is the gathering place of the small crowd, which advocates and encourages the publication of travel accounts, learning and exchange, and other painting related content; I hope that

 Share the museums you visited
141478 members gather here

To go to any city, you should first go around the museum!

 Temple enthusiasts
50603 members gather here

Share all kinds of strange temples you saw during your travel! The various temples in China and even in the world are magnificent and are the carriers of history. Through exploring these temples, we can see the wind at that time

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