Film and television related groups

 Domestic drama
810748 members gather here

This group is a domestic drama interest/information/social networking group officially created by Douban. Here you can publish drama reviews, obtain new drama information, and share your experience in pursuing dramas... all related to domestic dramas

 box office
182135 fans gathered here

Box Office Bar Douban Group [The requirements for joining the group will be implemented from May 9] 1. Slogan of the answering group (10 words) 2 The home page cannot be locked 3 There is a certain amount of viewing and evaluation (30 or more)

 Love TVB
106034 TVBuddy gather here

In order to protect the healthy development of the group, please observe the following group rules: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is forbidden to set up WeChat groups and advertisements (see the forbidden cover) No discussion on politics related topics!!! (See

 Rating Research Center
112716 data experts gather here

A comprehensive film and television group focusing on data and supplemented by film and television discussion.

 Best film recommendation (only fan films are not equipped with 13)
More than 1 million young heroes gather here

Welcome to join the film and television group with the largest number of douban, recommend and exchange films, dramas, directors, screenwriters and actors that you think are good ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬...

 Korean Drama
482724 fans gathered here

This group is a Korean drama interest/information/social networking group officially created by Douban. Here you can sell Amway, publish drama reviews, obtain new drama information, share your experience in pursuing dramas

 Level 10 Scholar of Wulin External Transmission
67428 bean curd gathered here

The distance from level one to level ten is Hey, man! We haven't seen you for a long time Hey, friend, if it's you, please say hello! There are too many disappointments in this world But you

 Japanese Drama
406894 members gather here

This group is a Japanese drama interest/information/social networking group officially created by Douban. Here you can sell Amway, publish drama reviews, obtain new drama information, share your experience in pursuing Japanese dramas

283222 perspectives gather here

Screen capture is attitude Simple and pure Good movies take you through time and space For that moment, go back ⏪, 0.5 times speed. communication ♻️ Resonance. If you have ideas, you can leave a message https

 Voice dubbing excellence research institute
25634 technicians gather here

This group is an independent voice work exchange discussion group, and has nothing to do with any sub cultural circles. This group discusses dubbing works, including but not limited to film and television works dubbing, audio books, animation dubbing

 Movie Fans Club
333309 fans gathered here

This group is a film interest/information/social group created by the official Douban. Here you can sell Amway, publish film reviews, obtain new film information, exchange actor gossip, and share film watching experience

 Villain film review
17043 Fan Pie Members gather here

This is the discussion group of the villain film review program, the official creation, operation, maintenance and management of non villain film reviews. It is completely created, operated, maintained and managed by listening friends. [The villain's shadow

 American TV Series
422617 members gather here

This group is an American TV interest/information/social networking group officially created by Douban. Here you can sell Amway, publish drama reviews, obtain new drama information, exchange actors' gossip, and share your experience in pursuing dramas

 We like watching movies that have been kicked out of the top 250
114894 251 gathered here

"Kick" is originally a neutral verb, so please do not pour too much subjective emotion into it. One of the original purposes of this group is to regret, regret, and commemorate a good movie (having entered 250 indicates that it is not

 CCTV version of "Dream of Red Mansions is not serious" research group
43078 dreamers gather here

Fans who like the 87 CCTV version of Dream of Red Mansions come in! Let's have a happy and harmonious exchange of topics related to the 87 Dream of Red Mansions. We are here

 Japanese Actress Research Association
16236 🌸 Gather Here

Apply to write down two or three Japanese actresses you like, and don't write anything else in a mess... If you can get into the group, you will be given priority to pass. Set up this group. At present, the main

 Audience rating base
22408 small data are aggregated here

Introduction: This group is a gathering place for audience rating enthusiasts. Welcome all satellite TV fans, star fans, film and television drama variety fans, and data controllers to join. We welcome rational discussion and reject any form of spicy food

 I love watching documentaries
60401 members gather here

The reason is that I want to watch documentaries, but after watching all the documentaries, the group did not find a pure Amway documentary group So I hope there can be one that just aims at

 American TV fans
351832 FANS gather here

American TV fans please gather here! Recent Trends: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power,Slow Horses

 Legend of Niuhu Lu Zhen Huan
79323 Huan scholars gather here

This group is the new group after the collapse of the official group of Zhen Huan's TV series. Reason for group establishment: (Zhen Huan said that the three administrators of the old group were unreasonable