Public welfare related groups

 We love filling out questionnaires
60365 investigators gathered here

We love filling out questionnaires! Study survey, employment problem, consumer statistics... We have done more than one million questionnaires, and we don't waste time filling in questionnaires

 deathbed care
2592 members gather here

The word Hospice originally means a place for tourists to take a rest in the middle of the journey, and medical translation means hospice care. Its purpose is for those who pause at the last stop of the journey of life to help provide control of symptoms, provide Jointly Action * Public Welfare Group
239 members gather here Jointly acting public welfare website Donate tuition fees for western children Donate books to build libraries in the west

 China Volunteer Education Alliance
5071 volunteers gathered here

Statement of China Volunteer Education Alliance on third-party background investigation of volunteer teachers' study and employment Recently, the office of China Education Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "the Alliance") often receives employment orders

 Children of Stars
1345 members gather here

Pay attention to children with autism and light up the "children of stars" Video download: News Survey - Autistic Children Part I: mms://

 Green and environmental protection
12726 members gather here

Environmental protection is a problem that I always pay more attention to but often ignore. I have never deliberately practiced it, but I just insist on sorting garbage into different garbage cans and don't casually spit out breath

 Gap International Volunteer Travel
25231 Gappers gather here

[How to register] 1. Please log on to the official website of Gap International Volunteer Travel: 2. Apply to register a new account and supplement personal information after activation. (If there is

 Lijiang Volunteer
32299 members gather here

Friends who want to stay in Lijiang for a while, friends who don't have much money, friends who want to play in Lijiang and want to find something to do, friends who want to be dazed in Lijiang and have a taste for coffee

 Help the children in the mountains
22017 members gather here

A hilltop It can be separated for half a century they Never seen a watercolor pen Never had a music class Never heard of computers Never leave too big

 24h legal advice - legal aid
11330 members gather here

"24h legal consultation - legal aid" was founded by the Wisdom and Law Aid Society of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and is composed of a team of legal service volunteers from all walks of life who are enthusiastic about public welfare. It is committed to providing legal aid for the

 Douban Community Group
4925 members gather here

Some long-term donor addresses

 Douban knows
5016 Taoists gather here Douban knows - we know what you don't know. Ask questions, share knowledge, explain questions, express opinions, understand the unknown

 public welfare
6943 members gather here

People must do something when they are alive Prove with action!

7947 members gather here

Greenpeace is a global non-governmental organization, headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with offices in more than 40 countries. To protect the earth, the environment and the safety of all kinds of creatures

 "Hand in hand with Chengdu" volunteer platform
2072 members gather here

There are many enthusiastic friends around us who are willing to volunteer but can't find channels; There are many non-profit organizations around us. They pay attention to and help vulnerable groups

 Xiamen Volunteer~
8741 members gather here

Want to volunteer Volunteer Volunteer like Learn about volunteers Even volunteer activities~~ A space to share~ A space for communication

 Shanghai Lecture
5830 small benches gathered here

The lecture information and other materials published on this page are from the Internet and shared with netizens. If you think the content of this page involves relevant copyright, please leave a message and point out.

 Public Welfare Action of Chongqing Delegation
3798 travelers gathered here

"Because of my efforts, the world is a little better than when I first came here." - Carnegie said in a speech when he was 79 years old, the steel king donated 25

 Public welfare and charity - development and team
2027 members gather here

Build a charity service team and a charity platform! Charity and public welfare action platform is determined to establish a public welfare platform that can call on everyone to participate in charity and change. On

 IELTS TOEFL Spoken English (pure public welfare non-profit)
1279 members gather here

Provide an exchange platform for Dou friends taking IELTS and TOEFL speaking tests