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The Most Powerful Snail 2023 Tree Planting Day

Release time: March 7, 2023 11:36:40 Source: Author: First Hand Online

The strongest snail What are the problems of 2023 Arbor Day? What is the answer to the question and answer of the strongest snail 2023 Tree Planting Day? How to quickly pass the question and answer of the strongest snail 2023 Tree Planting Day? Many players in the strongest snails are participating in the latest annual Arbor Day activities. There is a question and answer for us to go through the customs. If we know the specific answer, it will be much easier. If not, let's take a look at it!

 The Most Powerful Snail 2023 Tree Planting Day

Answers to 2023 Arbor Day

 The Most Powerful Snail 2023 Tree Planting Day

1. Among the air pollution, what is the most harmful to plants? (Fluoride)

2. Which of the causes of red tide is not man-made? (The sea area is relatively closed)

3. To reduce white pollution, we should? (Less use of refractory packaging)

4. Which of the following is not a control measure for water and soil loss? (Mining minerals)

5. What are the species known as living fossil? (Ginkgo biloba)

6. Which of the following countries is not a serious water shortage country? Brazil

7. Green food refers to "green food"? (Safe and pollution-free food)

8. Among the air pollution, what is the most harmful to plants? (Sulfur dioxide)

9. Which of the following does not belong to the three global ecosystems? (River)

10. Which of the following is not a manifestation of land degradation? (The land becomes fertile)

11. What are the three benefits of forests? (environmental, social, economic)

12. Which plant is known as the giant panda among plants? (Cathaya argyrophylla)

13. What is the purpose of selecting phosphate free detergent? (Prevention and control of pollution)

14. Which tree species are known as desert heroes? Populus euphratica

15. Which of the following natural resources is non renewable? (Petroleum)

16. Which of the following does not belong to the value of forest protection? (Water and soil loss)

17. When is World Environmental Protection Day? (June 5)

18. Which plant can indicate air pollution? (Bryophytes)

19. Which of the following items is the most harmful to the environment? (Waste battery)

20. Which of the following substances will cause ozone layer destruction? (Freon)

21. Which of the following is not environmental pollution? (Biological pollution)

22. What is the pollution of randomly discarding waste electricity? (Heavy metal pollution)

23. Which weather has a higher survival rate for planting trees? (cloudy or light rain)

24. In which year was the United Nations Declaration on the Human Environment issued? (1972)

25. Which of the following does not belong to clean energy? (coal)

26. The tallest tree in the world? (Australian almond eucalyptus)

27. What is swamp terrain called the Earth? (Kidney)

28. Which of the following does not belong to the three industrial wastes? (Scrap)

29. In which country is the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme located? Kenya

30. What is the world's heaviest pollution caused by automobile exhaust? (Lead)

 The Most Powerful Snail 2023 Tree Planting Day

31. What is the environmental factor most closely related to human beings? (Biosphere)

32. What is the IS014000 standard system related to? (Environmental governance)

33. What are the effective measures for desertification control? (Seal sand, grass and forest)

34. What is the largest tropical rainforest in the world? (Amazon Plain Rainforest)

35. The country with the largest forest area in the world? (Russia)

36. Which of the following is not the formation condition of sandstorm? (Storm)

37. The excessive increase of greenhouse gases will lead to the increase of greenhouse gases? (Climate warming)

38. Which of the following is not a hazard caused by the reduction of the Earth's ozone layer? (Earthquake)

39. The acid precipitation caused by air pollution is called? (acid rain)

 The strongest snail
The strongest snail

Game category: leisure puzzle

Game manufacturer: Xiamen celadon culture

Game language: Simplified Chinese

The Strongest Snail is an adventure game that is not an interesting cartoon style. First hand online games provide a variety of the strongest snail strategies, the latest service schedule of the strongest snail, game materials and activities in the New Area.

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