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The Latest Analysis of Eldon Fahuan Wheelchair

Release time: 2024-06-24 10:59:17 Source: Author: First Hand Online

What's the latest about the Alden Fahuan wheelchair? Who is Eldon Fahuan's wheelchair? Who is the Eldon Circle Summoner's wheelchair? Many people in Alden Circle want to get the latest wheelchair, so today we will bring you the latest configuration of wheelchair, so that you will know a lot when playing, including wizard wheelchair, summoner wheelchair, etc., so if you are curious, let's have a look!

 The Latest Analysis of Eldon Fahuan Wheelchair

Latest analysis of wheelchair

The only true god: thunder and lightning, epileptic incense mixing bottle

Stretcher: Blood Monster

Spike shield

Mage Wheelchair: Rejected Sting

Summoner wheelchair: forging magic image

Shield pokes at the new god: big bronze shield

Wolf simulator: bounce back drip

 The Latest Analysis of Eldon Fahuan Wheelchair

Special attack: Worm Silk

Small wheelchair: Meteorite Sword

There are also the stings of the king of epilepsy, special attack on the fade, Pvp wheelchair

The backhand sword is really pvp. Now pvp is full of wheelchairs

If you use the mixing bottle, you should use the battle skill of connecting the mixing bottle in series. If you do not lock the bottle, it will cause damage explosion. Four or five rounds will give Rattan seconds.

 Applet games
Applet games

Game category: leisure puzzle

Game manufacturer: no data available

Game language: Simplified Chinese

The small program game is a leisure puzzle placement theme game. The first hand game website provides you with a complete introduction to WeChat small program games, a basic introduction to dithering small games, game materials and novice tutorials.

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