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A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

Release time: 2022-11-17 11:07:27 Source: Author: First Hand Online

What are the Chinese character strategies of the attack? How to quickly pass the advanced Chinese characters? How to pass each level of advanced Chinese characters? Many players have problems in passing the level, especially this kind of level games, so today I will bring you some strategies, so the difficulty will be much smaller when passing the level. If not, let's have a look!

1. Chinese characters for attacking: bone scraping and poison curing:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

2. Chinese characters for attacking: find all dogs:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

3. Chinese characters for attacking: find ten pigs:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

4. Chinese characters for attacking: Dark Cuisine:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

5. Advancing Chinese characters: strange food:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

6. Striking Chinese characters: find the place in the picture where you think deeply:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

7. Advancing Chinese characters: leave note:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

8. Chinese characters for attacking: My grandpa:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

9. Chinese characters for attacking: expression hot stem:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

10. Progressive Chinese characters: classify the history to the corresponding dynasties:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

11. Advancing Chinese characters: fill in the blanks with ancient poems:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

12. Advancing Chinese characters: assemble the following phrases into ancient poems:

Lying on the plum and smelling the flowers, lying on the sky, fish kissing on the stone water, lying on the stone to answer the spring green

13. Chinese characters for attack: oral characters:

 A comprehensive introduction to Chinese characters

 Applet games
Applet games

Game category: leisure puzzle

Game manufacturer: no data available

Game language: Simplified Chinese

The small program game is a leisure puzzle placement theme game. The first hand game website provides you with a complete introduction to WeChat small program games, a basic introduction to dithering small games, game materials and novice tutorials.

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