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Original test recruitment Q&A

Author: First Tour Source: First Hand Online 2019-06-11 16:45

Primordial god Q&A is recruited for the original test. The game's original test is about to start. Are you ready to go to the New World to explore ducks? We have compiled a Q&A for some questions we have seen recently. Come and see if there is anything you want to know!

 Original test recruitment Q&A

Original test recruitment Q&A

Q: What kind of game is God?

A: Original God is an open world adventure game.

Q: What form is the first test? How to obtain test qualification?


Test description:

This test is a small-scale technical test (the test scale is about 1000 people). Log on to the iOS platform and PC platform (Android platform is not open for adaptation reasons). Currently, the game is still in the process of development, and the test content does not represent the final quality.

Test qualification:

The existing ways to obtain test qualification include:

The questionnaire for TapTap to obtain test qualification has been closed.

Q: How do I know if I have obtained the test qualification?

A: We will notify qualified travelers by phone or SMS. Please keep communication unblocked.

Q: Is Yuanshen a single player or an online game?

A: You need to play in a networked environment.

 Primitive Hand Tour
Primitive Hand Tour

Game category: adventure puzzle solving

Game manufacturer:

Game language:

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