Current location: First hand travel network > Yuanshen Mobile Tour Official Website > Introductory Experience

List of reservation addresses on Yuanshen official website

Author: First Tour Source: First Hand Online 2019-06-10 20:12

Primordial god IOS test will be launched on June 21. At that time, children will immediately enter the experience. However, some children may wonder where the reservation address on Yuanshen's official website is? Come and have a look.

Yuanshen official website:

Appointment steps: After entering the official website, the player has an appointment button at the lower right corner of the page, click and fill in the mobile phone number and other information.

The above is the sharing of the reservation address on the official website of Yuanshen. I hope it can be helpful or enlightening to everyone.

 List of reservation addresses on Yuanshen official website

Material expansion

Here is the fantasy world Tivat where the seven elements, gods and beliefs converge. The disaster that swept across the mainland finally stopped, and the devastation was gradually healed, but the peace that should have come did not come to the Windy City "Monde" as scheduled. The arrogant organization "fools" bullied countries in the name of protection. Traveler, together with Pimeng, open your own adventure in this vast new world!

 Primitive Hand Tour
Primitive Hand Tour

Game category: adventure puzzle solving

Game manufacturer:

Game language:

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