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Radiant ol Valentine's Day activity goes live!

09:29, May 21, 2024 Source: contributions from manufacturers Download the game

5.21 Coming! The residents of the shelter ushered in this sweet day again. Please join the residents in celebrating and have a wonderful day! Mr. Tim, a new SSR resident, will also join the shelter on this special day. Come to Radiation Refuge online "Meet him!

 Radiant ol Valentine's Day activity goes live!

  [Actual decoration of Mr. Tim, resident of SSR]

As the gatekeeper of the secret railway base, Mr. Tim is responsible for guiding the fleeing synthetic people and transferring them. This has created his character of attaching importance to details and pursuing efficiency. After the update on May 21, the supervisor can meet the guardian by chance.

Mr. Tim, who came to Radiation OL, also took the responsibility of guarding, providing a strong guard for one of our teammates and launching coordinated attacks with them.

Not only that, after Mr. Tim's expertise has evolved, his ability to protect his companions and resist oppression has further improved, and he has become the most determined guardian of his teammates!

   [Valentine's Day Activity - Ecological Research]

This is a game that spreads among the supervisors of various shelters. Regulators can enter their residents' information into the system to challenge the powerful waste soil creatures simulated in the game.

It is worth mentioning that the battle data of each supervisor can be retained in the system and shared with others, providing reference and even direct help for others and their own challenges!

Please arrange your most capable residents to challenge the more difficult enemy!

Play games with like-minded friends. A new tour must have an activation code, and a new service must have a gift package. In order to meet the needs of players, we look forward to your participation!

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