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Experience evaluation of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2: returning to the classic Devil Kingdom playing method is better

10:48, March 10, 2023 Source: contributions from manufacturers Download the game

The 17th anniversary of the "Devil's Land" brand, "Devil's Land Mobile 2", has been open beta and has been finalized on March 23. Many old players have also experienced the game through the peak test at the beginning of the year. So today, let's see the experience of old players!

[Download immediately after entering the zone] Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2

First of all, I would like to thank "Devil's Land Mobile 2" for making me successfully win the test qualification, so that I, a "Devil's Land veteran", can experience this game in depth. In order to help more players understand this game, I decided to talk about my feelings about playing here.

Since I want to talk about the experience of playing Devil Kingdom Mobile 2, I think I should start from the time when I first started playing Duanyou.

The impression is that I came into contact with Devil's Land in 2009. At that time, I opened a clothing store in the mall. After the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship subsided, I was able to make steady payments every day, and felt that life began to become boring. At that time, the counter computer was just too broken, so I went to my relatives to save a new computer. When the boy in Computer City delivered the goods, he was talking about "Devil's Land". I was very curious at that time. After I installed the computer and connected to the Internet, I entered this pit. Now I still have some impressions of playing "Devil's Land" at the beginning. After it was not easy to download it, I was very happy and decided to choose Fujian District II, After watching a circle of characters, I found that the soldier was the most suitable image for my imagination, so I put the knife into the game.

 Experience evaluation of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2: returning to the classic Devil Kingdom playing method is better

Many years have passed, because I started a new industry again, and the time to sit in front of the computer is slowly getting less. Sometimes I am too busy to go online. Just as the launch of Devil Kingdom Mobile Game, I began to play there. I didn't expect that although I was busy with my work, I can still play Devil Kingdom anytime and anywhere, which is also a sigh of how fast the world's technology is developing.

That's too much to say. As an old player of Devil's Realm and Devil's Realm Mobile, I found that Devil's Realm Mobile 2 was going to be launched, and I stared at the official platform every day. I finally got the number a while ago. Now I will talk about the highlights of this game and the shortcomings that need to be improved.

  The picture quality perspective is comprehensively upgraded, and the classic Devil Kingdom puts on new clothes

First of all, I am very satisfied with the upgrade of the picture quality of Devil's Land Mobile 2. No matter the scenery, buildings, roles or skill effects are impeccable. After so many years of development, we finally catch up with the mainstream team. Of course, I know that old players don't choose the image quality, and the previous Duanyou image quality has also been restored in this way. However, I personally think the perspective has a great impact on the experience. Different opinions have different opinions.

I like 3D perspective when playing other games, which is convenient to operate and more immersive. This option is also added to Devil's Land Mobile 2. I feel it is very good. Usually, I can use 3D to see the scenery and characters, and I can return to the 2.5D perspective at any time when fighting, which basically meets all my needs.

 Experience evaluation of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2: returning to the classic Devil Kingdom playing method is better

  Eudemon system ushers in upgrading, trivial play methods are also simplified

Although the screen of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2 has been upgraded, many classic playing methods have been retained. I am very satisfied with this. At least it can be seen that Devil Kingdom has not forgotten our old players who have been with us for a long time.

To some extent, "Warcraft" is playing with animals. From the current version and my communication with the official team, I know that "World of Warcraft 2" attaches great importance to the innovation of the pet system. While comprehensively upgrading the core experience, it also takes care of the problem that some friends often complain that "the system is too complex to understand".

For example, when the original system is deleted in this game, the team mode of eudemons can be used to fight three eudemons that are suitable for you. The attribute bonus of pet has also become more. It's not like that it only provides one or two attribute bonuses before. I feel a little tired after playing too much. From this point of view, I feel that I have at least achieved a great optimization in the role development level, not like I introduced some friends to play this before, and then slowly got confused by many playing methods.

 Experience evaluation of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2: returning to the classic Devil Kingdom playing method is better

In addition, at the task level, a lot of unnecessary single player tasks have been simplified, which may make the game developers reluctant to reduce the game time. But for busy people like me, the task of brushing single player tasks is also a bit burdensome. Now it's time to brush the team task with the Legion, instead of running around alone in the game.

What must be praised is the plot, which has the flavor of the old Devil Kingdom. I feel that the plot of Devil's Land Mobile 2 has been carefully written. Although few people in the mobile game watch the plot, they are all concerned with improving their combat power and PVP with others. But when I am tired, I still like to go online and play tasks. This is also a means of combining work with rest.

 Experience evaluation of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2: returning to the classic Devil Kingdom playing method is better

On the whole, I am quite satisfied with "World of Warcraft 2". The plot is OK, the pet cultivation is OK, and the whole game rhythm is also OK. The novice guidance is good, and I feel that at least new and old players can quickly start the game. I try to pull my friends into the pit, and they also feel that it is OK, and even players who have not played are willing to try it, I want to give a good comment on this.

The above is the experience evaluation of the players of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2. The game is now scheduled for March 23. Players who want to play can make an appointment. See you in the Thundering Continent!


Five years of in-depth research on the quality of the masterpiece, the whole line of upgrading "Devil Kingdom Mobile 2" shocked the first exposure!

The original team devoted themselves to creating Devil Kingdom Mobile 2, and the final paid file deletion test was officially launched!

Experience upgrading, surprise everywhere, trial experience of Devil Kingdom Mobile Tour 2

Devil's Land Mobile Tour 2 WeChat applet will be launched soon, come and transform your baby anytime, anywhere

Play games with like-minded friends. A new tour must have an activation code, and a new service must have a gift package. In order to meet the needs of players, we look forward to your participation!

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