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Mingchao Taoqi teaming up

Release time: 2024-05-23 15:04:54 Source: Author: First Hand Online

Humming tide How to match Taoqi's lineup? What are the team skills of Mingchao Peach Prayer? How to choose the team mate of Mingchao Taoqi? Many people in Mingchao want to cultivate Taoqi, so matching Taoqi with a suitable lineup can improve the strength of this role. Today, we will bring you a team formation plan. There are many suitable scenes. If you are curious, let's take a look!

Taoqi weapon
Peach praying skill increased
Taoqi Team
Peach Prayer Sound Skeleton
Kacaro weapon
Kacaro skill points
Kacaro lineup
Dan Jin Weapon
Dan Jin's lineup
Increase Dan Jin's skill
Dan Jin Sound Skeleton
Velina weapon
Verena lineup
Anti inflammatory lineup
Avoid burning sound bones
Antiphlogistic weapon
More anti inflammation
Kakaro sound skeleton
Baizhi Sound Skeleton
Baizhi weapon
Anke Sound Skeleton

 Mingchao Taoqi teaming up

Taoqi team formation and lineup

Team One

Taoqi+Kakalo/Anke+Verena/Angelica dahurica

Team 2

Peach Prayer+Master C+Mammy

 Mingchao Taoqi teaming up

Team 3:

Leading Role+Jueyuan+Tao Qi

This is the lineup of civilian players. If there is a main c and two auxiliary roles in the general lineup, it will be a decent lineup. The three schemes are all playable, depending on what kind of play we like, or what roles we can match, If not, they can be replaced by similar roles.

 Humming tide
Humming tide

Game classification: role playing

Game manufacturer: Guangzhou Kuluo Technology Co., Ltd

Game language: Simplified Chinese

Sounding Tide is an open world game with adventure theme developed by Kuluo Game. First hand online games provide you with a variety of Sounding Tide tutorials, service schedule of the new game zone, game materials and preview of public beta activities in the new zone.

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