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Matching scheme of sound skeleton of roaring tide Dan Jin

Release time: 2024-05-23 12:03:33 Source: Author: First Hand Online

Humming tide What's a good match for Dan Jin's voice? What was used in the early stage of the sound skeleton of Mingchao Danjin? What's the best match for the sound of the roaring tide Dan Jin? If you want Dan Jin to become more powerful, it is also important to recommend a suitable sound skeleton matching scheme for you today. After all, the matching in the early, middle and later stages is different and needs reasonable analysis. If you can't, come and have a look!

Taoqi weapon
Peach praying skill increased
Taoqi Team
Peach Prayer Sound Skeleton
Kacaro weapon
Kacaro skill points
Kacaro lineup
Dan Jin Weapon
Dan Jin's lineup
Increase Dan Jin's skill
Dan Jin Sound Skeleton
Velina weapon
Verena lineup
Anti inflammatory lineup
Avoid burning sound bones
Antiphlogistic weapon
More anti inflammation
Kakaro sound skeleton
Baizhi Sound Skeleton
Baizhi weapon
Anke Sound Skeleton

 Matching scheme of sound skeleton of roaring tide Dan Jin

Adverb Bar Recommendation

Critical wound>skill damage increase>attack>attack power

1、 Early transition

Sound skeleton suit: Hidden world echo x2+lasting sound x2

Sound skeleton matching

The crownless+the dark maned wolf+the chirped puffer porpoise+Aziz+the hot-melt prism (43111)

 Matching scheme of sound skeleton of roaring tide Dan Jin

2、 Later preference

Sound skeleton suit: condensate white frost x5

Sound skeleton matching

The crownless+dark maned wolf+rose thorn mushroom+tweeted puffer fish+Wukaka (43311)

So if you want to play, you can refer to the above steps. The early and later play methods are different.

 Humming tide
Humming tide

Game classification: role playing

Game manufacturer: Guangzhou Kuluo Technology Co., Ltd

Game language: Simplified Chinese

Sounding Tide is an open world game with adventure theme developed by Kuluo Game. First hand online games provide you with a variety of Sounding Tide tutorials, service schedule of the new game zone, game materials and preview of public beta activities in the new zone.

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