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Suggestion on weapon priority extraction of the roaring tide character

Release time: 2024-05-22 15:14:47 Source: Author: First Hand Online

Humming tide Which weapon should be drawn first? How do you draw the weapon card pool for the character of Whispering Tide? Many people in Singing Tide saw the character card pool and the weapon card pool when they were smoking, so they were confused when they were smoking. They didn't know who to kill first, so today we will compare them with each other, so we have a good idea. If you are curious, let's have a look!

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Dan Jin Sound Skeleton
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Anke Sound Skeleton

 Suggestion on weapon priority extraction of the roaring tide character

Suggestion on priority extraction of character weapons

Weapon versatility is strong. Basically, a weapon can be used by all characters with the same weapon, and the information knife and long blade must be used. It is also possible to draw a weapon first. Characters and weapons are 55, not as strong as those of the original gods;

 Suggestion on weapon priority extraction of the roaring tide character

However, there is still a big gap between the permanent five-star red and the limited five-star red. Similarly, the permanent big sword has 12% passive charging, 14% great move damage, and 60% anti flaming martial arts passive damage increase. Moreover, one of the adverbs is attack, the other is explosive damage. Pistols and one handed swords are OK, and the tone sensor is also useful, which is not as good as the month card weapon.

 Humming tide
Humming tide

Game classification: role playing

Game manufacturer: Guangzhou Kuluo Technology Co., Ltd

Game language: Simplified Chinese

Sounding Tide is an open world game with adventure theme developed by Kuluo Game. First hand online games provide you with a variety of Sounding Tide tutorials, service schedule of the new game zone, game materials and preview of public beta activities in the new zone.

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