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Playing skills in the middle of the roaring tide

Release time: 2024-05-22 14:55:40 Source: Author: First Hand Online

Humming tide How to play in the middle? How to upgrade the mid tidal ringing? Many people in Mingchao played very well in the early stage, but in the middle stage, it was much more difficult. Today, we will introduce some process steps for upgrading, especially for civilian players. Otherwise, their intensity will not be as high as others. If you are curious, let's take a look!

Taoqi weapon
Peach praying skill increased
Taoqi Team
Peach Prayer Sound Skeleton
Kacaro weapon
Kacaro skill points
Kacaro lineup
Dan Jin Weapon
Dan Jin's lineup
Increase Dan Jin's skill
Dan Jin Sound Skeleton
Velina weapon
Verena lineup
Anti inflammatory lineup
Avoid burning sound bones
Antiphlogistic weapon
More anti inflammation
Kakaro sound skeleton
Baizhi Sound Skeleton
Baizhi weapon
Anke Sound Skeleton

 Playing skills in the middle of the roaring tide

Liaozhao rides a motorcycle, and the impermanent fierce heron can fly. After the main line task level, you can take it first to increase the running experience. After completing the main line of the third act, it should be at level 6.7 of synaesthesia level, and the fourth act will start at level 14.

At card level, you can do other tasks or explore the world. You can do tasks with more experience. The video has said which tasks have more experience. After you don't overflow your strength, you can first

After the completion of the fourth act, the fifth act can be started only when the synaesthesia level is 21. In this stage, in addition to doing tasks and exploring the big world, you can also start to improve the level of the data dock.

 Playing skills in the middle of the roaring tide

After the three tests, it is said that the public test will add the sound skeleton fusion function, which can convert unwanted sound skeletons to produce 1C or 3C random sound skeletons, greatly reducing the difficulty of graduation. Therefore, we don't need to rush to upgrade the data dock to Level 15, and first upgrade to 9. Purple sound skeletons can be dropped, and the total cost of assembling sound skeletons can reach 12C.

 Humming tide
Humming tide

Game classification: role playing

Game manufacturer: Guangzhou Kuluo Technology Co., Ltd

Game language: Simplified Chinese

Sounding Tide is an open world game with adventure theme developed by Kuluo Game. First hand online games provide you with a variety of Sounding Tide tutorials, service schedule of the new game zone, game materials and preview of public beta activities in the new zone.

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