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The skills of general Tian Feng, the king in troubled times, explain how Tian Feng got

19:02, July 13, 2017 Source: First hand online game Author: Diyiyou Strategic tower defense Popularity: 630+ Gone with the Wind King Download

Gone with the Wind King Detailed explanation of martial general Tian Feng's skills How did Tian Feng get it? The generals are a more important way of playing in the troubled world. Players can recruit and synthesize their souls. The generals have inherent skills and can learn other skills to further strengthen them. Now let's take a look at Tian Feng's acquisition and skills, hoping to help you.

 The skills of general Tian Feng, the king in troubled times, explain how Tian Feng got

[Introduction to Military General]

Tian Feng

General Introduction

Detailed attribute value (initial)






A group of heroes


one hundred and fifty





The life of the general: Tian Feng, with the character of Hao, was born in Julu. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yuan Shao, an adviser under his command, went to Jizhou to leave. He was upright, and he had repeatedly advised Yuan Shao but was not accepted. Later, Yuan Shao ordered him to be imprisoned because he advised Yuan Shao to prevent him from attacking Cao Cao. After the war of Guandu, Tian Feng was killed by Yuan Shao.

[Acquisition method of military officers]

1. Military general recruitment: can be obtained through ordinary recruitment, with a 3.45% chance to draw blue military officers; Advanced recruitment has a 4.43% chance to draw blue generals.

2. Exchange of souls: You can exchange souls, buy and count them, and recruit faction strongholds. Ten Tian Feng general souls can be exchanged to get the blue general Tian Feng.

[The inherent skill of the general]

Intermediate collection: increase collection speed by+1.1% (0.75% bonus for every 100 points of development)

Skill analysis: Tian Feng's inherent skill is "intermediate collection", and its attributes are very good, superior to the primary collection and inferior to the advanced collection. But for most players, it will be very good to use Tian Feng as the collector.

[Recommended skills for military officers]

One star unlocking recommendation: wood collection - wood collection speed increased (skill development)

Three star unlocking recommendation: wooden ox and flowing horse - improve the load of troops (develop skills)

Recommended 5-star unlocking: gem collection - gem collection speed increased (skill development)

Highlight: Tian Feng, a military general, tried his best to learn wood expertise when he was a star, so that our wood collection speed could be improved, which could avoid the situation that buildings could not be upgraded due to wood in the early stage.

The increased load of the troops can enable us to obtain more resources at a time. When Tian Feng was in Sanxing, the author recommended that you learn the skill of wooden ox and flowing horse, which can improve the load of the troops, so that we can get more resources.

The author of Wuxing Tianfeng suggested that we should learn the skill of gem specialization. Because the resource of gem mine is also very important at this time, we should learn the gem collection speed in time to improve our skills to make our development more stable.


As a military general specializing in gathering, Tian Feng's various learning skills should be determined around gathering, which not only makes the best use of his inherent skills and development attributes, but also avoids occupying land due to the construction of too many resource fields.

Related Gone with the Wind client

Official website of the king in troubled times

Application for download qualification of Gone with the Wind experience service

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