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"Gone with the Wind" The new service activity on September 8 makes you the best king

15:50, September 8, 2017 Source: First hand online game Author: Diyiyou Strategic tower defense Popularity: 630+ Gone with the Wind King Download

   Gone with the Wind King 》The new service activity on September 8 makes you the strongest king! Here, players will become princes in this troubled world, from recruiting soldiers to governing the country, and gradually move towards the road of hegemony.

   Service opening name: WeChat 98 Zone Drumming Gold

Opening time: 10:00 on September 8

Gone with the Wind, Android version Click Download   IOS version Click Download

 "Gone with the Wind" On September 1, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

Service opening activities

   Activity 1: Landing on the 8th to lead beautiful Xiao Qiao

Activity content: New users log in for eight days and receive generous rewards every day.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 2: Seven Days Emperor Road Exchange for Divine General Liu Bei

Activity content: With accumulated points, you can exchange for the ultimate prize on the eighth day of service opening.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 3: The first gift to the divine general Zhang Fei

Activity content: Recharge a certain amount to get corresponding rich rewards.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 4: The strongest monarch wins Lv Bu

Activity content: You can get bonus points after completing the designated task every day. You can get rich rewards according to the stage and the total score ranking.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 5: The King's Glory Gives Off the Print Skin - Leave the Palace

Activity content: Within eight days after opening the service, the battle force will be challenged to get the out of print nameplate and the out of print main city dress.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 6: Free 20 times welfare of growth fund

Activity content: Purchase growth fund and upgrade Wangcheng to the specified level to obtain rich rewards.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 7: Noble benefits enjoy massive privileges to send Zhuge Liang

Activity content: Become a noble, enjoy exclusive privileges and luxury gift package.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

   Activity 8: 10 times rebate for daily discount of 1 yuan

Activity content: Spend money to buy gift bags every day, and open the chance of Xiaoxiong's treasure to obtain the divine general Cao Cao.

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

The above is the content of the new service activity of Gone with the Wind on September 8 brought by the first hand tour editor. More Chaos King's Opening Table as well as Chaos King Game Gift Bag All in First hand travel network

Follow the official WeChat account of the first hand game website to receive massive gift packages: wx_diyiyou

 "The King in troubled times" On August 16, the new service activity let you seek the world to be the king

Related Gone with the Wind client

Official website of the king in troubled times

Application for download qualification of Gone with the Wind experience service

Related general introduction reading

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In troubled times, the king defends the city, and the garrison general chooses Cao Cao as the defender

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Xu Chu, the king in troubled times, suggested Zhang Fei or Guan Yu

The new version of Gone with the Wind is coming soon

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