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Live broadcast of the first sister's struggle in troubled times, the king invites you to fight for the goddess

18:33, July 28, 2017 Source: First hand online game Author: Diyiyou Strategic tower defense Popularity: 630+ Gone with the Wind King Download

Live First Sister Dispute Gone with the Wind King Invite you to fight for the goddess 12 major live broadcast platforms joined hands with 16 of the most popular female anchors to participate, and Tencent's first mobile game of war strategy, Gone with the Wind, launched the largest "Goddess Battle" activity this summer! Seeking the world, being the king, heroes stand in troubled times, how can they be accompanied by beauties? From June 30 to July 1, 16 popular female anchors, including Shen Man and Big Cousin, will participate in the goddess protection campaign of Tencent's first mobile game of war strategy, Gone with the Wind; At that time, the goddesses will start the live broadcast on the whole network, and compete through songs, dances, funny jokes and other talents.

 Live broadcast of the first sister's struggle in troubled times, the king invites you to fight for the goddess

Gone with the Wind King

Fans can also open the QR code in the QQ scanning picture of their mobile phones to cheer for their favorite goddess. At the same time, they can also join the QQ group of the goddess' alliance to get the ten thousand yuan red packet rain from the goddess! After the event, the most popular goddess will sing the theme song for "Gone with the Wind"!

 Live broadcast of the first sister's struggle in troubled times, the king invites you to fight for the goddess

sixteen The Contest of "First Sister" of the Beautiful Anchor  12 Large platform full network live broadcast

12 major mainstream live broadcast platforms, including Betta, Panda, YY, Dragon Ball, tentacle, Battle Flag, Tiger Teeth, Chinese prickly ash, Yingke, First Live, Station B Live, Penguin E-sports, have joined forces across the border, and the beauty anchor's "First Sister" battle is now brilliant.

Big Cousin's intellectual tenderness, Star Sister's lively and charming, Shen Man's cute and considerate, Pang Hu's youth and initiative, and peaches' sexy and hot... Every anchor participating in the event will show their most attractive side! Want to protect your goddess? Lock the anchor's broadcast room and fight for your goddess!

"Battle of First Sister" is about to be staged

The embedded live female anchor will accompany you to fight in the world

As Tencent's first mobile game of war strategy, Gone with the Wind not only maximizes the fun of the basic playing methods of SLG games - conquering cities and territories, arranging troops, strategies and tactics - but also adds a variety of social playing methods. Players can interact with beautiful anchors in real time in the game, and the beautiful anchors sometimes turn into instructors in the game, From time to time, it also brings wonderful songs, stories and humorous jokes to the players, so that you can enjoy playing and listening!

Welcome players to collect First hand travel network In the information section of the king in troubled times, you can find the corresponding content by searching "the king in troubled times+search words on the first hand online game". In the section, you can find the corresponding military officers' strategies, tactics application skills and arms lineup recommendations.

Related Gone with the Wind client

Official website of the king in troubled times

Application for download qualification of Gone with the Wind experience service

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