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The basic way to win in the troubled times with resource collection tips

19:38, July 17, 2017 Source: First hand online game Author: Diyiyou Strategic tower defense Popularity: 630+ Gone with the Wind King Download

Gone with the Wind King Tips for resource collection The fundamental way to win. Chaos King is a strategic war game. Everything in the game is based on rich resources and props. In addition to various resource production points in the city, there are also massive resource points to collect in the wild. Today's small editor brings you the skills of resource collection in the game, hoping to help you.

 The basic way to win in the troubled times with resource collection tips

Massive resources spread all over the map

In the field map, the most densely distributed resources are all kinds of resource points. The four resources of grain, wood, iron ore and gems are randomly and densely distributed on the whole map. We can easily find all kinds of resource points around our city. The resource points have different levels. The higher the level, the more resources will be stored in the resource points. The four resources are calculated separately. And the distribution of resources in the world has a certain distribution belt difference, generally speaking, the closer to the Imperial City, the higher the level of resource points.

Occupy resources and collect more

Occupying resource points is the most basic way to play and also the most basic way to deal with resource points. Send troops to collect resources. The composition of the troops is basically the same as that of the general troops, but they are more inclined to bear heavy loads. You can choose some arms with higher loads to go out for the expedition, so that you can harvest as much resources as possible. Of course, it also depends on the reserves of the resource point itself. Collection takes a while to complete, which depends on the efficiency of collection. Influenced by technology, generals and other factors, the troops will automatically return to our city with resources after collection.

Seize resources with more monks and less meat

There has never been real stability in troubled times. In the face of resources, which are crucial to the development of the monarch, war is always imminent. Especially in the face of advanced resource points, due to the huge demand for resources in later development, the amount of resources obtained by conventional methods is too small, and field collection has become the main way to obtain resources. This also extends the play of seizing resources. The occupied resource points can be attacked and investigated by others. After successful capture, resources can be collected. The competition among all high-level resource points is very fierce.

Players are welcome to download the Gone with the Wind Android ios client. Just enter [Gone with the Wind King] in Baidu First hand travel network 】You can download the installation package directly. At the same time, the Gone with the Wind Zone provides arms matching and general training strategies. A variety of mobile online game downloads are available in the first hand online game.

Related Gone with the Wind client

Official website of the king in troubled times

Application for download qualification of Gone with the Wind experience service

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