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The latest summary of the 10 teams in the Old Men's Cup

10:51, May 7, 2024 Source: LOL zone of First Hand Games Author: Diyiyou Yasuo Download League of Heroes

Who is the latest team of the 10 teams in the Old Men's Cup? What are the 10 teams in the Old Men's Cup? The main race of the LGC Legend Cup will start on May 20. There will be 50 legendary players who will form ten legendary teams to compete for the championship prize of up to 1.01 million yuan. So we should be more curious about the 10 team lineup, so that we can all expect to be full when playing. Come and have a look!

 The latest summary of the 10 teams in the Old Men's Cup

1. OTTO team, single OTTO ADC Puff assists Martin in MLXG;

2. Team K, Shan Fenfen, AD K, Shen Yi, assistant of Shen Fenfen, in the fight against the wild aix by Shan alielie;

3. Kid team, the single lotion ADCcolim assists the kid in the regret of fighting in the wild;

4. Pyl team, the single corn ADC peak shining auxiliary PYL in the single Langx fight wild flora;

5. For the Parachute Team, three of the single icon ADC san auxiliary FZZF are OMG's;

6. Attitude team, with Tide and no stain, in the last single 957 Daye XLB, the single gesture ADC death declaration is the most effective way to assist the prophet;

 The latest summary of the 10 teams in the Old Men's Cup

7. Letme toilet paper team, the strongest single wuming ADC Imp auxiliary Nanfeng paper team among the Letme fighting ZZR;

8. The combination of T1 in the 10 teams of the Uzi team, and the biggest problem is the single sask ADC UZI assisting Duan in the last single AJ playing field;

9. Baolan team, Shangdan Ice Sealed Sunset Hitting the Wild Haoye Zhongdan Small Northeast ADC SMLZ helped Baolan feel good;

10. Incheon Onfield Team, the shy fight on the wild ning, the single grass bag ADCWX assists Emily to win the championship as long as she doesn't explode off the road.

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  • Type: Tower defense game
  • Features: Multi player game | lol series mobile game
  • Status: Open Beta New Area
  • Play: Qualifying match
  • recommend: Tencent game ranking
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