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Current location: First hand travel network > Tangdouren Ultimate Elimination Tournament Hand Tour >The first batch of customized skin exposure for the UP owner of Tangdouren Station B

The first batch of customized skin exposure for the UP owner of Tangdouren Station B

Release time: August 24, 2020 17:51:48 Source: Author: First Hand Online

The first batch of customized skin of the top ups of Tangdou People's station B was exposed. Today's Tangdou People's final elimination competition officially announced the first batch of customized skin of the top ups of station B, which was obtained in a limited time. The top ups of station B include old tomatoes, Huashaobei, and a fantasy king The welfare is still very good. You can learn about it. After all, the activity will start tomorrow. If you don't know about it, let's introduce it in detail!

 The first batch of customized skin exposure for the UP owner of Tangdouren Station B

The first batch of customized skin exposure of station B UP master

 The first batch of customized skin exposure for the UP owner of Tangdouren Station B

Activity time

August 25 September 2


20.00 August 25 to 19.59 August 27

Old tomato

20.00 August 27 to 19.59 August 29

A phantom king

20.00 August 29 to 19.59 August 31

China BOY Super Gorilla

20.00 August 31 to 19.59 September 2

 Tangdouren Ultimate Elimination Tournament Hand Tour
Tangdouren Ultimate Elimination Tournament Hand Tour

Game category: leisure puzzle

Game manufacturer: no data available

Game language: Simplified Chinese

Tangdou Man's ultimate elimination game mobile game is a fun game for many people to fight and challenge. The first hand game website provides you with a variety of Tangdou Man's ultimate elimination game mobile game tutorial, high score clearance experience, game information and new area activity preview.

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