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Suggestions on the first day of DNF mobile game

13:47, April 26, 2024 Source: Author: Diyiyou Xiaopao Download DNF mobile game

DNF mobile How to play on the first day? How to brush the DNF mobile travel service on the first day? Many people in DNF Mobile Tour didn't know how to start on the first day of service. If they didn't play well on the first day, they might not be able to keep up with the pace of the army. Today, they will bring skills to everyone and need to get resources quickly. If you are curious, let's have a look!

Open beta of DNF mobile game whole
Female player profession
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Play method on the first day of service

 Suggestions on the first day of DNF mobile game

On the first day, you should brush 300pl materials with a small size, and then upgrade to a large size. You must brush 300pl materials with a small size every day! No matter how many or what materials are dropped, 300pl materials can always be auctioned! If you practice the large size first, it will occupy the quota of your tradable materials. As a result, the small size will get a pile of binding materials. If the small size can move bricks to the snow mountain, it will be basically stable;

 Suggestions on the first day of DNF mobile game

This needs to be evaluated according to the output and price of formal clothing materials. Moreover, there is no conflict between gold and brick. Even if the price exceeds 300pl, the bone rings that have been overturned and blown out can still be auctioned. Small size brick moving is equivalent to daily settlement and gold is equivalent to buying lottery tickets.

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DNF mobile game official website

Tencent DNF mobile game Android experience service download topic

  • Type: Action combat
  • Platform: Android experience service
  • Status: Android internal test
  • size: 361MB
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