First hand travel network


Any user who uses this website system should read this statement carefully. Users can choose not to use this website system. Users' use of this website system will be regarded as approval of all contents of this statement.

First Hand Games only provides users or developers with upload and sharing services. First Hand Games will not make any changes or edits to its published games. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, First Hand does not guarantee that the downloadable content in the platform can meet the user's requirements. Users should use any information downloaded or obtained through the platform with caution and at their own risk; The user shall be fully responsible for any form of expenses or computer and mobile phone system damage or data loss caused by such use, and the first hand game network shall not be responsible for direct, indirect, accidental, special and subsequent damages. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the first hand game network expressly states that it does not provide any type of warranty, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the platform and the warranty and responsibility of marketability, applicability, reliability, integrity, virus free and error free of the content in the platform.

Special reminder: During the process of downloading, browsing and reading on the platform, the application owner or the right holder may need to charge the user for the updated information, services and content of the application. This part of the fee is entirely charged by the application owner or the right holder and has nothing to do with the platform.

The traffic fee generated in the process of downloading, browsing and reading the applications provided by the platform is charged by the operator and has nothing to do with the platform. If you have any questions about the traffic fee, please call the operator.

copyright protection

If you are the copyright owner of a work and/or the right owner who can exercise the right of information network dissemination according to law, and you think that the content of this platform infringes your legitimate rights and interests in such works, you must notify this platform in writing. You shall be responsible for the authenticity of the written notice statement.

Your notification file should contain the following contents and materials:

1. Your name (or name), contact information (telephone, e-mail) and address;

2. The exact name, screenshot and link address on this platform of the work to be deleted;

3. Preliminary proof materials that constitute infringement, including but not limited to the ownership certificate of your copyright or other rights to the work, and materials that prove the fact of infringement.

4. Your signature and/or seal.

Attachment: Model format issued by the National Copyright Administration:

1. Notice requiring deletion or disconnection of infringing network content (model format)

2. Instructions for filling in the notice requiring deletion or disconnection of infringing network content

3. Instructions for restoring deleted or disconnected network content

The website of Annex 1 is:

The website of Annex 2 is:

The website of Annex 3 is:

This declaration is subject to and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. In case of any dispute, both parties shall negotiate in a friendly manner. If the negotiation fails, either party can apply to the people's court of the place where the platform's company (that is, First Mobile) is located for litigation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the right of final interpretation of this clause belongs to First Mobile.