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Z-blogPHP plug-in Share.js One click sharing article

admin 2022-08-21 16:34:51 three thousand nine hundred and fifty-one

Speaking in front

In fact, the application center already has a free Share.js sharing plug-in. We have the following seven differences from it:

1. Our plug-in adds the function of copying web addresses with one click.

2. Our plug-in can customize the sharing button.

3. Our plug-in can customize the space between the top and bottom when displaying at the bottom of an article.

4. Our plug-in can insert the text link and prompt text at the bottom of the article.

5. Our plug-in can judge the height of the body section container, and ensure that the QR code popped up by the WeChat button will not be cut and hidden because the container is too low.

6. We rebuilt the icon library to be smaller.

7. We have taken theme compatibility into consideration to make it as compatible as possible with all Z-blogPHP themes.

If the plug-in just provides you with help and convenience, please support zblog and the theme of Starland Studio more.

Plug in Introduction

One click sharing article plug-in based on the secondary development of open-source Share.js.

One click sharing to Weibo, QQ Space, QQ friends, WeChat, Tencent Weibo, Douban Facebook、Twitter、Linkedin、Google+

Share.js has a large icon library. We created a new icon library with iconfont. The icon library only takes up 16KB of space, which is equivalent to a 300 × 300 pixel image size, and its impact on website access speed is almost negligible.

At the same time, in order to make the plug-in compatible with all z-blog themes, we use exclusive style tags (to avoid duplication with theme style tags) and "! Important" (priority).

In addition, on the basis of the share button provided by Share.js, we also added the copy URL button. You can also customize the space between the top and bottom of the buttons when they are displayed in the article section, and customize the buttons displayed.


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Z-blogPHP Share.js Free plug-ins One click sharing articles

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