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Is it illegal to collect articles from other websites? Why do many people still collect?

admin 2022-07-01 09:05:11 three thousand and eight hundred

Many webmasters, in the process of operating websites, if there is no output of original articles, will generate the idea of collecting articles from other websites and put them into action.

Even some webmasters did not plan to write their own articles from the very beginning of building the website. All articles on the website came from collection.

So, have you ever thought it illegal to collect articles from other websites?

For many webmasters, they don't like their website's articles collected by others, because the main source of website traffic is the search engine. For an article with the same content, Baidu only includes the release page of your website, so others can only search your website, which is equivalent to bringing traffic to your website.

And when an article with the same content is included in the release pages of multiple websites by Baidu, it is equivalent to dispersing most of the traffic of your website, and even some websites that reprint your articles are ranked in front of your website by Baidu search, which makes you uncomfortable.

Therefore, from the perspective of webmasters who provide original article content, no one wants their website content to be collected.

From the perspective of webmasters who collect articles from other websites, it is very cool to collect articles. People can write up to four or five original articles a day. By collecting articles through collection software, you can move the articles of other people's entire websites almost in a day.

Today we will move articles from one station and tomorrow we will move articles from one station. As time goes by, a website with a super large database will be born.

However, search engines do not encourage this practice. If a website is full of collected content, search engines will not give corresponding search rankings even if they include it.

However, there are also loopholes in the algorithm of the search engine. There are also loopholes in the siege of collection websites. Some websites collect articles just published by others. They collect articles just a second ago, and they collect them a second later.

Although the website of the original article first published the content, the time to collect the content from the website of the article collection is very short, so it is not certain that the search engine spider regards whose website content is original.

As a result, there is a search engine ranking in front of the original article website, which is clearly an article collecting content.

Originally, the information on the Internet is publicly shared. If the articles on other websites do not explicitly state the copyright information, it is understandable that you collect and publish it.

However, when the act of collecting is abused, which greatly infringes the rights and interests of the original authors, the original authors will not only declare copyright information in their articles, but also do copyright protection in other ways. For example, some original authors not only publish articles on websites, but also publish articles in journals, Or other websites with particularly strict copyright protection publish articles that have signed the original declaration agreement.

First of all, the copyright protection of articles published in journals is very strict. On the premise that the original author's articles are not bought out, except that the original author can be published on the website, other websites can be reprinted and published, and legal responsibility can be investigated. And here, the original author and the publisher can investigate your responsibility together.

In addition, what is the meaning of articles that have signed the original statement agreement published on other websites with particularly strict copyright protection? For example, articles published on today's headlines or WeChat public accounts can sign the original statement.

The advantage of signing the original statement is that today's Toutiao or WeChat public platform will retrieve whether your article is an original article through big data. If it is confirmed to be an original article, you will retain the copyright information for your article. Except that the original author publishes it on other platforms, others need authorization to reprint it, otherwise it is illegal.

Having said that, in a word, it is illegal to collect other people's articles with copyright statements or copyright protection.

To build a website, you need to be down-to-earth and content is king.

Some smart people said that it is not illegal for me to collect public information on the Internet without copyright notice and protection, right?

Of course, this is not illegal, but you can collect other people's information, so that these Internet public information is reprinted to the extent of flooding in various websites, and search engines can accurately determine that you are collected, and will not give you search rankings.

So, what's the meaning of your collection?

However, why are there still many people engaged in collecting now!

There are only two kinds of people:

1. The brave webmaster who specializes in collecting other people's high-quality original articles does not care whether the articles have copyright.

In fact, most of the original authors of articles and websites have weak awareness of rights protection. Even if they are collected, they will not prosecute the collected websites, which leads to many people in this section.

Even, the website of prosecution collection cannot be completely successful.

For example, Startupbootchinese website sued Biquge. The whole website is a "Biquge" website. For 50 yuan, a treasure can hire someone to build a Biquge website, and most people do not build a website under their real name. How does Startupbootchinese website sue?

2. The webmaster who doesn't care about the quality of the article, but only engages in fake and original articles.

What is false originality? It is to collect other people's articles, split them, and then cobble them together to generate an "original article". However, such an article is nonsense. The next sentence is not followed by the last sentence, and cannot be read and understood by others. Therefore, it is called false originality.

Although the pseudo original article cannot be read, the search engine does not know that it is only a normal original article. It not only includes, but also gives the ranking and traffic of some keywords in the article.

However, search engines are not so stupid. You can cheat them in a short time. They can also judge the quality of your content according to the retention time of users on your website.

If your content quality is very high, users will not only stay on your web page for a few seconds. On the contrary, users only read a few seconds, facing a nonsense article, they will be angry to close the page and leave.

Through the analysis of visitors' behavior, the search engine will finally come to the conclusion that this is a junk website that visitors do not like to see, and will cancel the ranking of most of your keywords.

Without ranking, traffic will naturally decrease.

So, what's the meaning of such rubbish websites?

Such websites are generally used for placing vulgar advertisements or selling websites.

After all, when the website was just launched, there was a wave of traffic, and it could take the opportunity to put vulgar advertisements to gain revenue.

The selling station is to sell to buyers in demand at a high price while the search engine has not found cheating.

There are two kinds of buyers here:

The first kind of people: Xiaobai, pure Xiaobai, listen to others buying a website with high weight.

The second kind of people: people who work in the gray industry, used to put vulgar advertisements suspected of violating laws and regulations.

Speaking of this, you should understand that we do not encourage you to buy junk websites or sell junk websites.

Buying junk websites is equivalent to being defrauded, and selling junk websites encourages crimes.

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Collection website copyright protection Junk websites

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