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Is it necessary to deploy ssl certificates for single page websites

admin 2022-06-14 11:35:06 three thousand seven hundred and ninety-four

I don't know when the SSL certificate has almost become the standard configuration of new websites. No matter what kind of websites you do, you will first think of building an SSL certificate.

So what does an SSL certificate do?

The new webmaster's understanding of the SSL certificate is that the SSL certificate can change the URL link from http://to https://, and a small green lock is displayed on the browser, indicating that it is safe to visit my website.

If you look at Baidu Encyclopedia's explanation of the SSL certificate, it is very professional. In a word, the SSL certificate provides a secure channel between the client browser and the Web server.

But in fact, for most single page websites or blog websites, this "safe channel" is not very useful.

As long as your website does not involve the following services, you do not need to deploy SSL certificates.

1. Send secure e-mail.

2. Access a secure site.

3. Online bidding and tendering.

4. Sign up online.

5. Order online.

6. Secure transmission of online official documents.

7. Online office.

8. Pay online.

9. Safe online electronic trading activities such as online tax payment and online shopping.

However, some current browsers, regardless of what your website does, will indicate that it is unsafe as long as no ssl certificate is deployed.


This will give visitors a bad psychological hint that the website they visit seems to have no security guarantee.

As a result, many webmasters must deploy SSL certificates to their websites no matter whether they really need them or not.

So, does a single page website also need to deploy SSL certificates?

My suggestion is that it is necessary to deploy ssl certificates, but it is not necessary to deploy paid ssl certificates. You can buy free SSL certificates for nothing.

After all, on a single page website, we just need to change the URL link from http://to https://, and display a small green lock on the browser.

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Single page website SSL Certificate

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