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Yanque - mobile marketing single page/single column website template | seo single page

admin 2021-10-16 17:16:13 five thousand three hundred and twenty-five

This is a website template designed mainly for mobile terminals.

Of course, it does not mean that our other website templates that do not mark the mobile version do not support the mobile version.

In fact, all our website templates have mobile versions because they are adaptive.

Why is this website template mainly designed for mobile terminals?

First, the website template only has the display width of the mobile end.

As we all know, the website traffic on the mobile side is far greater than that on the PC side. If you mainly get traffic on the mobile side, but ignore the PC side, you can choose this website template.

If it is a visitor on the PC side, how can I guide them to the mobile phone?

When visiting the website on the PC, no matter which page you visit, the QR code of the current page link will be displayed on the right side of the website, and visitors can access it through mobile phone scanning.

In addition, you can also replace the QR code linked to the current webpage with a personal WeChat QR code, prompting users to scan the code to add your friends!

What are the highlights of this website template?

1. The website header can be closed.

Display from the advertisement image down.

2. The current page link QR code is displayed on the PC side.

The QR code linked to the current page can also be replaced with a fixed QR code, for example, the QR code for adding your personal WeChat.

3. The title can be closed for the main content of a single page on the home page of a website.

4. The main content of a single page on the home page of a website supports closing the inner margin and line spacing.

What is the function of this function?

The function is that there is no gap between images when displaying single page content with pure cut images.

Similar to the detail page of Taobao products, there is no gap between the top and bottom of the picture.

5. The default font size can be set on the article details page.

Some people think that the default font is too small and do not want to set it through the article editor. They want to set the global default font size of the details page.

6. Three different title structures can be selected for the classified list page and article detail page.

See website background - theme setting - SEO setting for details.

7. The website logo has two display modes: picture and text.

8. Different advertisements can be set for different articles.

9. Multiple customer service WeChat signals are displayed randomly!

Add a WeChat section at the bottom of the page, you can set multiple WeChat messages and display them randomly!

10. A hover menu can be set at the bottom of the website.

11. The website can customize the button and font color.

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Single page site template Mobile website Marketing Page

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