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Yanque APP promotion download single page/single column website template

admin 2021-09-16 16:00:42 four thousand and thirty-six

The background is developed based on Z-blogPHP, and the front end is based on the responsive APP designed by Yanque UI to promote and download single page/single column website templates.

It can be a website promoting only one APP, or a website promoting multiple APPs.

Thematic characteristics

1. The website header (LOGO, navigation, search) can be closed;

2. The head of the website can be set with general advertising images, supporting the whole site display;

3. The home page of the website can set the carousel map, and the content of the carousel map can be customized;

4. The home page of the website can recommend a designated APP, display the details of the APP, and display the download address at the bottom of the website;

5. Multiple specified APPs can be recommended on the homepage of the website and displayed in the webmaster recommendation section;

6. The homepage of the website can choose to display articles and APP list classified content;

7. The font size and spacing of articles can be customized;

8. App parameter names and parameters can be customized (including preset parameters and user-defined parameters);

9. The APP attribute parameters can be customized (the default parameters are: Internet Required | Internet Not Required | Advertised | No Advertised | Chinese | English | Paid | Free)

10. The home page, category, article, page and tag can distinguish and set SEO title, keyword and description;

11. The title structure can be set for categories and articles.

*The above description is only part of the features of the theme, not all of them.

To understand all the functions of the theme, you can experience the website background, or open the screenshot of all the extended functions of the theme below.

 Theme Settings - Basic Settings.png

Screenshot of all extended functions of the theme:

*The user's website background has more powerful expansion functions, and it is more convenient to use this website template.

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APP promotion and download Single page site template Z-blogPHP

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