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Light Page | Light Single Page | Program Publishing Page Site Template

admin 2020-07-01 15:29:14 five thousand eight hundred and forty-two


It is developed based on Z-blogPHP“ Light single page ”Website theme template!

Our website has a clear and reasonable structure. You can quickly build a Simple atmosphere 's single page Web site.

At the same time, it is not only a single page website, but also can set website classification to publish articles, set keyword tags, so that search engines can better include.

The color of the webpage is not just a color of our demo station. You can use the background theme color matching function to match freely according to your own needs!

You can also select the articles&page content or website classification to be displayed on the homepage of the website through the website background - theme configuration - homepage settings.

Theme function

*Theme function refers to the extension function added to the original function of Z-blogPHP, which is intended to make it easier for users to use website templates.

 Theme function.jpg

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Single page site template Light single page Program Publishing Page Site Template

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