Brand name:

Science horse

Company: Shantou Chenghai Xingzhimei Toys Co., Ltd
Brand ownership: self owned brand
Tel: 19832936313
Brand category: Children's Toys
Official website: https://xueyouma.1688.com
Region: Shantou, Guangdong
Address: Yiheng Shida Toy Factory, Guangyi South Road, Guangyi Street, Chenghai District

Introduction to Xueyouma

[Shantou Chenghai Xingzhimei Toys Co., Ltd.] The brand "Learning Youma" is a professional research, development, production and sales: scientific experimental toys, science and education toys, educational toys, microscopes, plant planting and other toys/teaching aids. It has a complete and scientific quality management organization system, and takes the national quality system as the standard to establish and implement a digital management system to ensure the company's strategy and sustainable competitive advantage. We are recognized by the industry for our integrity, strength and product quality. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and negotiate business.

Xueyouma products
Learn from Youma Investment Promotion

After becoming a Xueyouma agent, the difference between the agent price and the retail control price is your net profit. We support the delivery of one piece of goods without the pressure of stocking up. If you have a bill, it will be sent to us directly. We will arrange the delivery for you. The delivery information is all your information. You only need to accept the order, talk about the order, and directly consult us if you won't reply. We are responsible for after-sales problems, but you need to open freight insurance. We all have our own live photos of e-commerce, and we update the store dynamics and the publicity of the circle of friends from time to time.

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