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Sword Star (Star Blade) Full Fishing Point Location and Fishing Class Sharing

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The whole fishing spots of Sword Star (Star Blade) are of concern to everyone. Players can fish in these places and catch different kinds of fish. Many players want to know where these fishing spots are, but they don't know how to find them. Let's have a look at them together.

Sword Star (Star Blade) Full Fishing Point Location and Fishing Class Sharing

※ There is no map for the areas except Xiyong, waste soil and desert. Please turn the page to refer to the specific information for the specific location and route.

Great Desert


Waste soil

① Caves

② Factory

Erdos 7

On the way from the square entrance to the record hall, you will pass a pond.

Erdos 9

Just in front of Lily Secret Garden.

Whole fish atlas

※ Different quality materials can be obtained in the box, as well as some missing collections (such as cans, face decorations, etc.).

Fishing unlocking method

Push the main story to the bottom of Luwa to reach the desert area, complete oasis The fishing system can be unlocked after the branch task of.

After completing this task, you will get rewards: 200 gold cube, fish fillet × 3, wriggling worm × 5, and you can unlock the fishing system&fishing gear store at the same time.

Fishing Map Reward

Unlocking more than 20 kinds of fish atlases can unlock the trophy [Lonely Fisherman].

Unlock more than 25 kinds of fish picture books, and complete all the tasks related to fishing on the bulletin board. After talking with Clyde in the desert oasis, you can unlock the nano clothing [the maid of the sea]. Among them, 23 kinds of fish can be fished with the bait purchased from Clyde's fishing gear store, and the other two kinds of fish need to complete the bulletin board task [Where is the magic bait?] to obtain the [magic bait] (there is only one magic bait, but it can be used for unlimited times).

The maid of the sea has no color changing version. If she gathers the fish atlas in the fortnightly list and talks with Clyde again, she will not get new clothes, but only 2 Witty coins.

     Phishing community software
    (16) Phishing community software
    Fishing community software is a collection of the most popular boutique software used by anglers to help you quickly understand fishing weather recommendations, high-quality wild fishing sites, intelligent navigation of various fishing maps, sharing of fishing knowledge and science, and so on. Join the community circle of anglers to become a real hot angler, get to know more like-minded people, and enjoy fishing together! If you like fishing, let's have a look More>>

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