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StarCraft 1.08

V1.08 Full Classic
  •  StarCraft 1.08v1.08 Full Classic
  • Software size: 109.4M
  • Updated: 2024-09-24 14:42
  • Software language: english
  • Software manufacturer: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Software category: Foreign software/free software/RTS real-time strategy
  • Software level: Level 4
  • Application platform: WinXP
  • Official website: https://www.battlenet.com.cn/zh/
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Software Introduction

 StarCraft 1.08

StarCraft was a very popular game more than ten years ago. At that time, there were few stand-alone games and almost no web games. It seemed that there were only online games like Legends. Unlike today's online games, there are many leisure games, web games and stand-alone games on various platforms. I really miss that time and this very classic game. The most popular version~StarCraft 1.08~~, it seems that there is no Chinese version of StarCraft series, so the Chinese version of StarCraft 1.08 is useless.... The complete hard disk version of StarCraft 1.08 is a classic StarCraft package, please download it quickly if you like!

 StarCraft 1.08

The difference between StarCraft version 1.08 and other versions:

The versions between 1.00 and 1.08a basically eliminate bugs
1.08a includes the previous version, in which the Zerg blood pool can be made with 150 crystals, and the later version will be changed to 200 (of course, there are some other changes)
1.08b is the most important update of the interstellar system. It has corrected a large number of previous bugs. After adjusting the balance, it has not changed for rebalancing
1.08b to 1.16.1 are updated to continue to eliminate BUGs and add new functions
1.09 added LAN mode, 1.12 added map preview function, 1.15 added automatic video saving function, 1.16.0 added chat record to be saved in video, and some versions are improving and optimizing games

StarCraft 1.08 Protoss Play

Hit the Terran Double Barracks, and the dragon cavalry raises and shoots to suppress. Turn into a violent soldier. A will kill the opponent, and A will not die out of the arbiter or aircraft carrier

Hit the Zerg pirates with hidden knives or pirates with transport planes with golden beetles.

Call 1V1? Or play scuffle in BIG GAME HUNTERS?

Give you a moderate route suitable for general 1V1:

PVP produces dragon cavalry, then Dingdang and Golden Beetle. P's blood is thicker than that of the Golden Beetle in the civil war. In addition, Golden Beetle can be dropped by air with transport planes.

The arms match is a large number of dragon knights and a small number of XX and Golden Beetle transport planes. The PVP showdown is to see who has better operation of the Golden Beetle and transport planes. That's about it.

PVT Tyrannosaurus needs to raise the range early, and then go out of Jingdang. When there are a certain number of dragons, they can go out of XX and speed up XX. Take the electric soldiers with a transport plane, and it will be better to send swallows. Pay attention to your formation and T's TANK formation. It is inevitable to sacrifice some soldiers. In a big exchange of fire, use a transport plane to take some XX and throw them into the TANK group. Control XX to lead mines to run into the TANK pile. The dragon cavalry should pay attention to hit and move forward without affecting the fire output behind.

PVZ is generally opened in mine 2. The first crystal is directly built in mine 2 and then you go to explore the way. If Z is 9D, you put BF first, then BC, and then build a base in mine 2. Generally, you can build a base first, then BF BC, depending on the distance and the time when your first farmer dragged his dog, and then speed up the attack and defense, Build a pirate ship to explore the development trend of Z, with a large number of XX troops, a small number of white ball electric soldiers and dragon cavalry. The mining area builds some forts to prevent Z flying dragons, and takes more than two jingles when going out. Maybe so.

StarCraft 1.08 Chinese version secret script:

In single player mode, press ENTER and enter:

Power overwhelming=Invincible

Operation CWAL=Rapid Building

Show me the money=10000 units of minerals and high-energy gas

The gathering=psionic stuff

Game over man=Task failed

Noglues=The enemy cannot perform magic

Staying alive=The task cannot be completed

There is no cow level

What mine is mine=unlimited mineral resources

Break the deep=Unlimited high energy gas

Something for nothing=Turn on all producible options

Black shell wall=De full open

Medieval man=unlimited production per unit

Modify the phase variance=have the ability to produce all buildings

War aint what it used to be=Close the fog of war

Food for thought=has the capability of unlimited manufacturing units under supply constraints

When playing BROOD WAR and selecting abnormal shape

Radio Free Zerg=Alien theme song

Skip Off:

Enter ophelia and press enter

Then enter the level name you want to select



Stim Packs=Stimulants (Lose 10 HP but increase attack and mobility)

LockDown=paralyzed mechanical target

ShockWave=shock wave (energy loss of enemies and friends, and protoss plasma shield)

Spider Mines

Scanner Sweep

Def. Matrix=Square Shield

Irradiate=radiation (effective for all Zerg troops and Protoss ground troops)

YaMaTo Gun=Yamato Cannon

Cloaking field=aircraft stealth capability

P. Cloaking=ground personnel stealth capability


Psionic Storm

Hallucination=produce two illusions identical to the specified target

Recall=Time Gate

Stasis Field



Infestation=Production of suicide bombers

Spawn Brooding=It is a must kill parasite for ground troops, and there are still two pairs of worms left

Dark Swarm=Machine gun attack failure

Figure=Target HP drops to near death

Consume=Swallow your partner and absorb energy

Ensnare=greatly reduce the speed of troops


Introduction to arms:

StarCraft Terran is a race that has gradually become powerful since the 1.08 era of StarCraft, with the Korean Emperor Boxer as the pioneer. Many new players in StarCraft think that Terran is the most difficult to play when they start playing StarCraft. They think it is difficult to operate, the soldiers are not powerful, and so on. In fact, the Zerg is the most difficult to operate in StarCraft

Of course, what we are going to introduce now is the arms and buildings of the Terran. Please take a closer look at the special attributes of each arm to deeply understand the arms and apply them to actual combat

Marine Rifleman

Armor thickness: 40

Size: Small

Population: 1

Cost: 50

Construction time: 24

Building: Barracks (shortcut key BB)

Need buildings: Barracks (shortcut key BB)

Basic ground attack: 6 (+3 after full level)

Basic air attack: 6 (3 after full level)

Basic armor level: Level 0 (add 3 after full level)

Attack range: 4

Field of vision: 7

Build Hotkey: m


(Later, when fighting against the scorpion yellow fog of the Zerg, the fire soldier's attack can be up to 27

So in the later stage, if the Zerg use scorpions, they can build firemen to fight.)

Armor thickness: 50

Size: Small

Population: 1

Fee: 50 25

Construction time: 24

Building: Barracks (shortcut key BB)

Buildings required: Barracks (shortcut key BB), Academy (shortcut key BA)

Basic ground attack: 16 (plus 6 after full level)

Basic air attack: None

Basic armor level: Level 0 (add 3 after full level)

Attack distance: 2

Field of vision: 7

Build Hotkey: f


Armor thickness: 60

Size: small magic unit (no attack, can make the unit blind, and restore the enchanted state)

Population: 1

Fee: 50 25

Construction time: 30

Building: Barracks (shortcut key BB)

Need building: academy (shortcut key BA)

Basic ground attack: None

Basic air attack: None

Basic armor level: Level 1 (add 3 after full level)

Energy: 200 (50 after upgrading)

Field of view: 9

Build Hotkey: c

Ghost Ghost Soldier

Armor thickness: 45

Size: small ground magic units (can attack, hide, fire atomic bombs, and lock mechanized troops)

Population: 1

Fee: 25 75

Construction time: 50

Building: Barracks (shortcut key BB) drop ship

Buildings needed: Barracks (shortcut key BB), academy (shortcut key BA), science facility (shortcut key VI) affiliated building hiding institute

Energy: 200 (250 after upgrading)

Basic ground attack: 10 (+3 after full level)

Basic air attack: 10 (3 after full level)

Basic armor level: Level 0 (add 3 after full level)

Attack distance: 6

Vision: 9 (plus 2 after upgrade)

Build Hotkey: G


Armor thickness: 80

Size: Medium

Population: 2

Fee: 75

Construction time: 30

Building: factory drop (shortcut key VF)

Buildings required: barracks, factory basic ground attack: 20 (3 after full level)

Basic air attack: None

Basic armor level: Level 0 (add 3 after full level)

Attack distance: 5

Field of view: 8

Build Hotkey: v

Siege Tank

(Explosive attack, attacking a unit will cause damage to nearby units regardless of the enemy)

Armor thickness: 150

Size: Large

Population: 2

Cost: 150 100

Construction time: 50

Building: factory drop

Buildings required: barracks, factory

, march shop for Siege mode: 70 (15 after full level)

Basic ground attack: 30 (+9 after full level)

Basic air attack: None

Basic armor level: Level 1 (add 3 after full level)

Attack range: 6-12

Field of vision: 10

Build Hotkey: T

Goliath robot

Armor thickness: 125

Size: Large

Population: 2

Cost: 100 150

Construction time: 30

Building: factory drop

Buildings required: barracks, factory, armory Basic ground attack: 12 (3 after full level)

Basic air attack: 20 (plus 12 after full level)

Basic armor level: Level 1 (add 3 after full level)

Attack distance: 5

Field of view: 8

Build Hotkey: G

Wraith (invisible)

Armor thickness: 120

Size: Large

Population: 2

Cost: 150 100

Construction time: 60

Building: starport

Required buildings: factory, starport basic ground attack: 8 (add 3 after full level)

Basic air attack: 20 (plus 6 after full level)

Basic armor level: Level 0 (add 3 after full level)

Attack distance: 5

Field of vision: 7

Energy: 200 (increase 50 after upgrading)

Build Hotkey: W

Dropship transport (no attack)

Armor thickness: 150

Size: large aerial units

Population: 2

Cost: 100 100

Construction time: 50

Building: starport

Basic ground attack: None

Basic air attack: None

Basic armor level: Level 1 (add 3 after full level)

Field of view: 8

Build Hotkey: D

Building required: factory, starport control Tower

Valkyrie Wagley

(If you kill enemy units, you will splash them nearby)

Armor thickness: 200

Size: large aerial units

Population: 3

Cost: 250 125

Construction time: 60

Building: starport

Buildings required: Armory, Control tower Basic ground attack: None

Basic air attack: 5 per missile (3 after full level)

Basic armor level: Level 2 (add 3 after full level)

Attack distance: 6

Field of view: 8

Build Hotkey: Y

Science Vessel technology ball

Armor thickness: 200

Size: large non attacking air magic unit

Population: 2

Fee: 100 225

Construction time: 80

Building: starport

Required buildings: factory, starport Science Facility Basic ground attack: none

Basic air attack: None

Basic armor level: Level 1 (add 3 after full level)

Field of vision: 10

Energy: 200 (increase 50 after upgrading)

Build Hotkey: V


Armor thickness: 500

Size: Large

Population: 8

Cost: 400 360

Construction time: 160

Building: starport

Building required: factory, starport Control Tower,

Science Facility with Physics lab add on

Basic air attack: 25 (add 9 after full level)

Basic armor level: Level 3 (add 3 after full level)

Attack range: 6/10 (Yamato)

Field of view: 11

Energy: 200 (increase 50 after upgrading)

Build hotkey: B upload to jpg format

StarCraft 1.08 Resource Population Modifier: http://www.cr173.com//soft/30671.html

The real Chinese version of StarCraft 1.08 is downloaded and unzipped. Click setup.exe to install and register, and then open the StarCraft Chinese launcher. exe to start StarCraft.

 StarCraft 1.08

Software screenshot

 StarCraft 1.08 v1.08 Full Classic
 StarCraft 1.08 v1.08 Full Classic
 StarCraft 1.08 v1.08 Full Classic
 StarCraft 1.08 v1.08 Full Classic
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    Beijing Kaixin001 Guest 2019/4/12 18:11:19

    support ( seventy-eight ) Building (reply)

    23rd Floor Hunan Unicom Netizen Guest Published on: 2021/4/30 16:48:13
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    Beijing Kaixin001 Guest 2019/4/12 18:11:19

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    22nd Floor Hunan Unicom Netizen Guest Published on: 2021/4/27 13:57:26
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    21st Floor Guangdong Dongguan CZ88.NET netizen guest Published on: 2021/4/15 13:44:48
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