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Civilization 4 Green Computer Version Game Full Version

Support the latest version of Win7/10/11
  •  Civilization 4 green computer version The full version of the game supports the latest version of Win7/10/11
  • Software size: 2.45G
  • Updated: 2023-08-16 14:16
  • Software language: chinese
  • Software manufacturer:
  • Software category: Chinese software/special software/RTS real-time strategy
  • Software level: Level 4
  • Application platform: WinAll
  • Official website: None
top Good comments: 50%
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This kind of boutique

Software Introduction

Civilization 4 Green Computer Version Game Full Version It is a classic strategy game. By establishing civilization, developing science and technology, expanding territory, and establishing relations with other countries, players can experience the real history, culture, and war in the game. It is also the fourth work in the classic civilization series. The game has one original version, three expansion films, God of War, Beyond Blade, and Colonial Times. There will be 18 different countries or nations in the game, including China, Japan, France, Germany, England, the United States, etc. This work will also retain the "cultural" elements of Civilization 3. Players need to communicate with neighboring countries to develop civilization. In this process, they should also be careful not to be absorbed by big countries.

Introduction to the game:

Civilization 4 is a classic development strategy game, which also contains a lot of encyclopedic knowledge, ranging from astronomy to geography. It is rich and colorful, covering everything, so that the majority of players in the game can also learn a lot about history and humanities.

Civilization 4 has three main modes, including the short game mode of multiplayer networking, the standard game mode with more than 400 rounds, and the epic mode with at least 550 rounds. The game spans the entire history of human civilization, from ancient times to the future space age. There are 85 technologies in this work, some of which can only be developed through specific ways. There are seven major religions in the game. The prophet of religion gives you information about other countries and cities, and it is possible to create new religions if you find a specific technology. There are also the concepts of great men and leaders in the game. There will be 28 real leaders in history who will affect the characteristics of civilization. Great men can be divided into five types: artists, tycoons in business, prophets, engineers and scientists.

In Civilization 4, you want to win the game in the following ways:; One is to win through time, and the other is to win the United Nations and the space race: by 2050, if your country is the most powerful, it will be time; Second, if we can study, build and successfully launch a spaceship to Alpha Centauri before 2050, this will be the victory of the space race (the latter is the Alpha Centauri of Sidermere); The third is the victory of being elected Secretary General of the United Nations. After the game is over, you can still continue to play, and it will not be forced to end. After the research of the technology you enjoy, you will not know what the future technology 1, 2, 3 is boring, but it can fulfill your dream of unifying the world.

Civilization 4 has a very detailed teaching system. Even players who are new to this kind of game can easily understand the rules and playing methods of the game. Compared with the previous one, this one has optimized the game operation and interface, reducing many unnecessary operations. Players can see more and more comprehensive information on the game interface. You can also view the details of any unit on the map by zooming up the camera.

Game features:

Of course, different countries are different in the game, but the character karma of different leaders in the same country will have a great impact on the characteristics of civilization. Take France as an example. France under Napoleon and Louis XIV is very different. Each civilization will have its own unit. In addition to Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Rome and Russia, there are also ancient civilizations such as Arabia, China, Japan and even Aztec. There will be 18 factions to choose from in the game.

Different from the original work, now each unit no longer has a single attack and defense value, but a single strength rating. In the game, there are also arms that are mutually exclusive in most real-time strategy games. After winning the battle, each unit will gain experience points, and after accumulating experience points, it will gain special abilities. Each small soldier can have three levels and several levels of room for improvement, which also makes how to save experienced soldiers become the primary task of players.

The government system has also undergone great changes. There is no longer only a group of ordinary governments to choose from. Players can select 25 kinds of citizens from 5 categories and formulate corresponding government structures according to their beliefs and other characteristics. Speaking of citizens, the outstanding "great man" is a new setting. The names of these great men are familiar: Shakespeare, Da Vinci, Marco Polo, Madame Curie, Bach, etc. Every great man has a specific ability to immediately develop a new technology for you. A prophet can develop your religious beliefs and produce priests; Artists can make you learn literature; Entrepreneurs may let you own banks. Every great man can live in the city for a period of time, so as to continuously promote the development of the city according to his different abilities. In the end, all the great people can be used to make your civilization enter the golden age of prosperity, but you need more great people to enter the next golden age.

Corresponding to the great man, religion has also been introduced into the game. You can study 7 different religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. Each religion has its own advantages. You can also let missionaries go to other cities and countries to promote it. This means that you can spread your religion to neighboring countries if you live in harmony with them. You can also use it to gain insight into cities. If you control the holy land of a certain religion, you can gain insight into all cities in the world that believe in this religion.

In addition, this work will be very suitable for MOD enthusiasts. You can call up the world editor interface at any time, change the map appearance, and add various elements by simply clicking on the interface. Everyone can edit XML data files, add new units, citizens, and technologies. Players with high programming level can add various event codes, and even edit their own dynamic link libraries.

Game play:

Expand the empire

Let you watch the empire expand on the map in an unprecedented way. Each city will occupy multiple grids, allowing you to build your own city to make full use of the local terrain.

Active exploration

Unlock promotion projects that can accelerate the process of civilization and history. To make faster progress, send your unit to actively explore and develop your environment and discover new culture.

Dynamic diplomacy

The interaction with other civilizations will change as the game progresses. The first interaction in the primitive era may be inevitable war conflict, but the interaction in the later stage of the game will turn into alliance and negotiation.

Military integration

Expanding the design concept of "one unit per grid", support units can now be embedded into other units, such as anti tank units to support infantry, and soldiers to support pioneers. Similar units can also be combined to form powerful "corps" units.

Multiplayer game on the upper floor

In addition to the traditional multiplayer game mode, you can also cooperate and fight with your friends in many different situations (all designed to be easily completed in a game time).

Civilization game for all players

Civilization VI provides a new way for old players to establish and adjust civilization, giving them the greatest chance to succeed. The new teaching system can enable new players to understand the basic concept of the game and help them get started easily.

Featured system:

Vassal state system

With the client system, the playing style is enriched and the strategy is more free. The key to many wars is the vassal state. In addition, as a group of younger brothers of the overlord (nu) and leader (yi) of one side, to establish a real superpower, this sense of superiority is incomparable among the five generations.

Relatively controllable diplomacy

It seems that the 4th generation AI is really careful, will follow the big principles, "rational" to seek survival and victory, and rarely does harm to others and not benefit themselves. But the diplomatic punishment of the 5th generation is too depressing. As a result, every AI is like a mad dog. It seems that it doesn't matter whether it wins or not. It's enough for players to be disgusting. In short, the four generations can develop and intervene in diplomacy more actively, while the five generations are much more passive. For example, the five generations can not develop the intimate alliance between China, the United States and Britain similar to the reality, but the four generations can.

SPY System

The 4th generation spy is a kind of unit, which can perform many more tasks than the 5th generation spy. Whether farming or conquering, spies are very powerful tools (especially in difficult situations), providing a very "mellow" strategy in addition to pure foolhardy. The forum even stopped scientific research on the spy flow. Unfortunately, five generations of spies have only one shell left.

Units can be stacked

The fourth generation war is to a large extent a contest between production and suppression capabilities, and the tactical space is relatively small. This greatly makes up for the low IQ of AI, and the war is more intense and exciting. As a defender, there is no such thing as a single man in charge of the pass; As an attacker, even if the force is twice the strength of the defending city+0% of the city defense, it is often unable to attack. In addition, I remember that in five generations, a group of warships+a small number of landing troops can easily destroy any coastal city. Don't think about it in four generations, because warships can't attack land units.

Religious system

Five generation religion seems to have no sense of existence? The religion of the fourth generation affects the whole strategy: it has a great influence on diplomacy. In order to survive safely, the general choice of religion is to choose the thigh, and it is difficult for different religions to achieve intimacy; With the religious system, it has a significant bonus for building construction and violence; There are productivity, happiness, culture, scientific research, espionage buffs and crash money; There are also various ways to teach the imperial palace to do things and win.

Chinese version of Civilization 4:

1、 National leaders choose.

As a Chinese, as long as there is a Chinese game, I will never choose another one (Myth: You will succumb after playing 1000 times...). China has two leaders in the game: A-Mr. Mao B-QinShiHuang. So, who is better to choose to start the game?

Let's first look at their cultural weighting:

A: Organization: reduce the total maintenance cost by 50%. Double the speed of building lighthouses and courts.

Sage: The birth rate of great people increased by 100%. The speed of building universities has doubled.

B: Finance: 1 gold is added to the output of every 2 gold in the small square (for example, the original 4 gold square will become 6 under the rule of B). The speed of building banks has doubled.

Industrialization: increase the speed of miracle construction by 50%. Double the speed of forging workshop construction

As you can see, compared with the economic category, the weight of B is much higher than that of A, especially after your Cottage has become Town. The maintenance cost can be adjusted by changing the state of the government. Compared with technology, although the production rate of A's great men is high, its effect seems to be slightly lower compared with miracles with various effects.

To sum up, B has this unique advantage in early scientific research and development (detailed below) and miracle grabbing. Recommended.

Some players said that the production rate of great people is high. In fact, in a slightly higher difficulty, the victory is guaranteed by the grab of miracles (God slander level is the guarantee of immortality), and I can only have such a personal opinion by combining two specialties. Thank you for your opinion

2、 First unit selection. (This paragraph is wrong. Workers cannot be dispatched from the first round. I apologize to everyone here.)

Maybe someone will ask why I don't rank the second in terrain selection. This is related to my habits. Although it is important to start to randomly follow a good terrain, it is not my hobby to repeat random maps to reach a strong point, so I usually use whatever terrain I want. (Voice of Mystery: You haven't changed when meeting the desert...) Cough, cough, this, let's start talking about the unit.

The first unit, the computer will recommend you to the samurai. The size above the standard map is really important for the start of double samurai. But everyone's machine, playing above the standard map, is totally self abusive, so you can ignore him and send workers. Another person will say that the urban population will temporarily stop growing if workers are released. In fact, in general, 22 grains (i.e. 11 rounds) are required for the second population, and only 13-15 rounds are required for each worker. For cities with resources, the effect of early workers to improve the terrain is slightly better than that of one more worker.

In addition, if there are mines, improving the terrain will greatly speed up your scientific research.

Above, workers are recommended.

3、 Scientific and technological research.

The fourth generation of scientific and technological research is completely added by the research index (bottle) of each city. In the early stage, what is your city's income? In the state of 100% scientific research, what is added is how many bottles. Generally speaking, it is 9 at the beginning, plus 1 point of natural growth. In fact, you will have 10 bottles of income per round. If there is good terrain, there will be 11.

In China, there was no mysticism at the beginning, which means that if you don't compete for science and technology, you can only follow others' beliefs. Probably no one will be jealous of the holy land income of 1 gold per city you believe in, so it is particularly important to compete for science and technology.

So, I started to study mysticism, 50 bottles (5 rounds). Come again. Meditation, 80 bottles (6-7 rounds). In this way, China became the founder of Buddhism-_- b

After studying the main belief (if Buddhism is robbed if you are unlucky), you should study technology according to the resources near the city to facilitate terrain improvement. The next study will follow.

Here, please pay attention to a formula: bottle growth rate of scientific and technological research=total number of bottles in the city+prefix technology * 2+1.

For example, in the previous example, the growth rate of bottles studying mysticism (10)=the total number of bottles in the city (9)+prefix technology (0) * 2+1

The growth rate of bottles for meditation research (12)=the total number of bottles in the city (9)+prefix technology (1) * 2+1

Because there are two prefix technologies: mysticism and mining, in this example, the speed of Chinese masonry research=the total number of bottles in the city (9)+prefix technology (2) * 2+1=14.

Among them, prefix technology refers to the previous technology directly connected with the technology to be studied, such as the prefix technology of mysticism that does not count as priesthood.

It is also worth noting that the bottles left after the previous scientific research will be added to the next technology for everyone to use with confidence. If we change technology in the middle, we will continue to study the technology, which will continue the previous progress (thanks for Lilyli's correction)

4、 Explore.

The exploration of the 4th generation can be said to be the key point. A good RP can enable you to have workers, explorers, gold, technology, experience or enemies at the early stage. (Voice of Mystery: You've never picked up workers, you guys without RP...) - _ -! Well, alas, I really haven't found any workers yet. I'm really ashamed. In the early days of China, there was only one stick soldier, and his mobility was extremely disgusting, only 1, so you had to walk slowly. Here is a tip. When you meet a hill, you can go up. 1's mobility can make good use of the terrain. After going up, your vision will be much wider. When you find experience in the village, you are recommended to upgrade to level 2 jungle warrior, so that you can have 2's mobility in the forest and jungle. Initial exploration

It will be quite effective.

Main objectives of exploration:

1. Stepping on the village at the initial stage has many benefits.

2. Connect with various countries to facilitate the control of beliefs and urban development trend.

3. Look at the terrain to decide where the next city will be located.

3. Level training enables you to have an experienced soldier at the beginning.

After completing the task of exploration, let all the people you explore come back. The country needs them. (Little Tip: Although pressing E key can automatically explore, the effect is really bad, not recommended)

5、 Worker operation.

Needless to say, when workers came out, they rushed directly to the resources. After the corresponding development, the effects of the resources were quite good. Not only bread, hammer and gold were added, but also smiling faces, health bonuses and materials for building advanced units. In the fourth generation, gold was not added to the road, but was replaced by cotton, so we should not waste precious rounds on unnecessary roads in the early stage, If you want to build a road, you need to build an important line. When you cut down the forest, the closer you are to the city, the more hammers will enter the warehouse, and the farther you are, the less.

It is worth noting that although the movement of workers is 2, it will be consumed when they rush to the mountain or cross the river (before the bridge is built), because both the mountain and the river will consume 2 movement, but after you move 1 point, the remaining point can still be used to carry out the above operations, so everyone makes full use of the movement force, which is particularly important for the difficulty above NOBLE.

For all kinds of buildings built by workers, there will be special technology or government policies that can be added, which can be seen in the scientific research or policy operation, and will not be described in detail here.

6、 City index (population control).

Failed to map twice, no more pasting. (Voice of Mystery: What a lazy person...)

In the city panel, the button at the top left corner is to control the proportion of science and technology, income and cultural investment. You can operate it according to your own needs. The word "Maintenance" in the following point is the amount lost due to corruption. The further away from the capital, the more serious the corruption is, which can be reduced by urban construction and government policies.

There is a list of buildings in the city in the middle of the left. Move the mouse over it to see a brief introduction.

At the bottom left is the list of units under construction. You can book or build units in advance. When you select a unit in advance, the original construction unit's construction progress will be retained. You can build your own things in advance with confidence. However, it should be noted that please do not cancel a unit with progress, because after cancellation, the hammer that has been generated will not be returned to you.

Above the middle is the food and health table. Moving the mouse over the table will explain the source of the quantity. When the unhealthy number is greater than the healthy number, it will lead to food consumption. When the angry number is greater than the smiling face number, the citizens will strike, which is commonly known as just eating and working. Therefore, this situation must not be caused. When the smiling face is more than angry to a certain extent, there will be city celebration activities. During the celebration, the city will increase the output of hammers and bottles.

It is worth noting here that the forests within the city will have a health weight of 0.4 per grid. Some people like to cut down all the forests at the beginning with a hammer. This will actually cause a decline in the health of the city, and will have a negative impact on your population growth. Everyone will see the pros and cons.

In the middle of the picture is citizen control. You can transfer citizens to the place where you want them to work to achieve your goal. Where there is a circle, there are people. When you click on the circle again, the citizens will become idle people.

In the middle of the right is the special population table. When you have idle population, you can see that the pattern of Citizen changes from dark white to white, and there are several patterns for several idle population. You can adjust and control the occupation of idle population through the+and - signs behind each occupation pattern, while technology and government policies can increase the upper limit of population for each occupation.

The most important thing in the game is population control. Without you, the development will be slow, and more will cause urban pollution and anger. So, when you find that there is only one more smiling face than anger, and you have no means to increase smiling faces, please adjust the population growth rate by adjusting the working place of citizens in the middle of the screen, so that its growth rate becomes zero, until you can increase the number of smiling faces.

Pollution is just slowing down your population. If you have more food and smiling faces, please give them a little pollution. In fact, it is feasible for China to develop first and then treat.

Selection of Civilization 4 Strategy

7、 Expansion

All urban working areas are centered around the city, and can be reached by moving 2 spaces. Beyond this range, you can only obtain resources in the area, but not let citizens work on it. Therefore, appropriate expansion is necessary. According to the experience of the third generation, urban expansion is dominated by not overlapping the working areas of citizens. However, as the fourth generation has increased the economic and corruption penalties in the areas separated from the city, it is better not to build too dense cities, which can cover all important resources.

If you like the fortress type advance, you can use military cities+spider web routes to block the possible directions of the enemy countries on the front line. In this way, there can be a centralized place for the construction of military buildings, so that your troops will have 12+experience as soon as they come out, and teach the enemy a lesson.

Introduction script:

How to open the cheating mode:

Note: To open the cheating mode, you need to modify a game file. Please backup it before modification.

Open your civilization profile with Notepad ( Documents and Settings USERNAME My Games Sid Meier's Civilisation 4 Civilisation IV.ini)

Then make the following modifications:

Move along

CheatCode = 0

Revised as:

Move along

CheatCode = chipotle

After modification, the game can enter the command line mode through the "~" key on the keyboard. (The following instructions do not include quotation marks)

After entering this mode, you can list the cheating command set by typing "help".

In this mode, you can create a text file containing all the cheating command sets in the game directory by typing the command "Console. CreateDocumentation CommandList. txt". The file name is CommandList.txt

Debug Mode

After the configuration file is modified to "CheatCode=chipotle", you can start debugging mode by typing "game. toggledebugmode".

After the debugging mode is enabled, press "shift+T" in the game to call up the debugging mode window, where you can modify the player's money and technology level. Players include you and your opponent, so you can change the opponent's gold coins into negative numbers, and then hurry up building crazily.

Configuration requirements:

Minimum configuration:

Windows 2000/XP SP1 or higher

Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon CPU at least 1.2 GHz

256 MB memory

64 MB video memory with hardware T&L (GeForce 2/Radeon 7500 or higher)

DirectX 7 compatible sound card

DVD-ROM drive

1.7 GB hard disk space

Recommended configuration:

Windows XP SP1 or higher

Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon CPU at least 1.8 GHz

512 MB memory

128 MB video memory with DirectX 8 support (pixel and vector rendering)

DirectX 7 compatible sound card

DVD-ROM drive

1.7 GB hard disk space

Software screenshot

 Civilization 4 green computer version The full version of the game supports the latest version of Win7/10/11

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