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Horse Riding and Killing 2: Overlord free version with many modifiers

V1.2.0.21654 Computer Edition
  •  Horse Riding and Killing 2: Overlord Free Edition Gives Multiple Modifiers v1.2.0.21654 Computer Version
  • Software size: 31.68G
  • Updated: 2023-09-21 17:04
  • Software language: Multi language [Chinese]
  • Software manufacturer:
  • Software category: Foreign software/special software/RTS real-time strategy
  • Software level: Level 4
  • Application platform: WinAll
  • Official website: None
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This kind of boutique

Software Introduction

Horse Riding and Killing 2: Overlord free version with many modifiers It is a medieval strategy group combat simulation business game. This game allows players to reflect on the taste of deja vu before, and also show some new things of their own. It has steadily improved in terms of the combat that it is best at, and it has not made obvious progress in the non combat content such as simple narration before it.

 Horse Riding and Killing 2: Overlord free version with many modifiers

Game features

Strategy/action role-playing games
Explore, plunder and conquer the vast land of Karadia, during which you will make friends and establish enemies. Build your own army and lead them into battle. Command your soldiers and fight side by side in the fierce battle.
Single player game campaign in sandbox mode
The sky is big and the earth is big, let you gallop! In the dynamic sandbox world, in order to become stronger, we set foot on our own big adventure. Players will have different game experiences every time they pass the level.
Huge role creation and scheduling system
Create and develop your own characters according to your game style. Improve your skills by performing various actions. During this period, you will gain a series of talents to show your mastery of a certain talent.
Real economic system
Observe the changes in the supply of goods in the simulated feudal economic system, and you will find that the prices of all goods, whether incense or war horses, fluctuate due to supply and demand. Even in troubled times, business opportunities are everywhere. Try to take the lead in transporting food to a hungry town that has just been besieged and sell it, or reopen the trade routes ravaged by bandits.

National attributes


Soldiers gain+20% upgrading experience in battle, recommended index: ★★★★


Speed penalty in snow reduced by - 20%, recommended index: ★★


Urban projects, wall maintenance and construction of siege equipment+20%, recommended index: ★★★★


Cost of building a caravan - 30%, transaction loss - 10%, recommended index: ★★★★★★


Cavalry's speed on the battle map+10%, recommended index: ★★★★


Speed penalty of troops in the forest - 10%, recommended index: ★★

NPC Introduction

Basic settings

NPC roles range from lords, farmers, passers-by, soldiers on the battlefield to bandits and caravans in the wild. Different roles have different ways of action. All NPCs have attributes, skill templates and prop columns similar to the main characters. The difference is that in addition to the main characters and soldiers, only some NPCs that can join the team have experience systems and upgrade capabilities.


A total of 16 characters can join the player's team. Some team-mates need to pay a certain amount of money to join. However, because of the relationship between team-mates, such as likes and dislikes, the morale of team-mates who hate each other will gradually decline together, and will trigger the dialogue of mutual complaints for players to arbitrate, and any option will lead to the morale of the unsupported party to decline rapidly and eventually leave the team. So we can only receive about half of the stable players.

feudal lord

The master template is similar to the teammate, but they cannot join the player's team. In addition to different initial fiefs, initial forces and equipment, different lords also have different personalities, which are mainly divided into eight types: kindness, integrity, belligerence, cunning, coldness, argumentation, and cruelty. They can be distinguished through daily dialogue, the opening remarks of attacks during battles, and the release of the captured lord after the war.

In addition to the influence of the lord's character on the attitude towards the border and the marshal's convocation during peace and war, the most important influence is whether to increase the friendliness after release. Among them, kindness, integrity and belligerence will increase, cunning and ruthlessness will remain unchanged, while argumentation and cruelty will reduce their friendliness even if they are released next time.

rank-and-file soldiers

Soldiers are usually divided into three categories: infantry, archers and cavalry. However, even for the same arms, there will be a big gap between different camps. There is also a big gap in the number of upgrades for soldiers according to the different arms. The most basic regular army is a new army composed of strong villagers in each village. The upgrade route of the new army is the occupation tree model. With the gradual upgrade, they can choose to upgrade to different arms.

Chinese Settings

Options Gameplay Language Simplified Chinese Finish

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Update description

Single machine mode crash · Fixed the crash of saving or loading caused by the change of the map when the regiment and its force composition are in an invalid position.

·Fixed the crash after the "hostile gang invasion" task· Fixed the crash that occurred when the kingdom was established during the siege.

·Fixed the crash after completing the task of "Troubled Corps".

·Fixed the collapse that occurred when a disbanded army, with prisoners from hostile camps, merged into a neutral city of non hostile camps.

·Fixed crash after character creation. Save and Load · Fixed crash when saving. Localization · Chinese translation update.

(This update is not only a translation update, but also a substantial improvement of the field code by T News Agency, so that many translations that previously could not be displayed in Chinese can also be displayed. The overall degree of localization will be greatly improved, greatly improving the player experience.)

·Turkish translation updated· Minor modification of text and punctuation. Art · Removed the old sheep model and added new sheep model and animation.

·Fixed a lighting problem in an imperial town (empire_town_h)· Fixed a gate problem of the aserai_town_b castle.

·Fixed the size of trees (flori_tree_high_004)· Minor optimization of Aeneas saddle texture.

·A new Batanian_chainmail_armor_03 is added.

UI optimizes pop-up prompts for kingdom decision-making options such as electing rulers, policies, armistices, declaring war, and expelling families.

·Fixed some localization issues.

·A new forging material icon has been added to the item list. Battle and Siege - Fixed the connection between the Siege Tower and the Qusaite City Wall.

·Some villages in Padanya have been optimized.

·Fixed the problem that if players were captured during the siege, they would continue to be under siege.

Role development system

·Now you can enter the character creation window again by pressing the "V" key, but the hair and beard options are limited to several basic styles. Hair style and beard can be changed through barber NPC.

·Fixed the missing perk description for non English languages. Families and troops have eliminated infertility with a certain probability. Instead, every time a new child is born, the probability of pregnancy will decrease.

·Fixed the problem of the Governor's companion disappearing from the city under his administration. Guild · Fixed the problem that players spent 0 influence when asking the lord to join the Guild in the dialogue option.

Kingdom and Diplomacy

·Fixed the problem of benefiting the enemy when making compensation decisions.

·Fixed the problem of clearing the old diplomatic status after joining the kingdom. Settlement behavior (towns, villages, castles and hideouts)

·Fixed the problem of incorrect dialogue text of street gang leaders after the second stage of fighting.

Tasks and Events

·"Important people want to find their daughters" task: · After completing the task, the companions will gain more reconnaissance experience.

·The task reward (relationship and reputation) will not change with the difficulty of the game.

·The influence of the task (the power given by the task, the degree of urban security) will not change with the difficulty of the game.

·Players' reconnaissance skills will affect the task of finding daughters· If the player activates the Guild Leader mission and waits for battle in the mission settlement, a new menu will be entered when the battle begins.

·Fixed the problem that the "Lord needs a horse" task ended immediately after it started.

·Fixed the problem of mission failure after the "family feud" mission succeeded in persuading. Conversation and Encounter · Fixed the problem that players can freely move and control the camera in multi subject dialogue.


·Fixed the problem that the shooter in the training field scene could not hit the entity target.

·An individual trainee on horseback was added to the training ground· Added option to disable map notification.

·The marching speed of the troops will be refreshed immediately after the end of the day to solve the problem of not correctly applying the speed penalty at night.

·Fixed the problem of not being able to talk with prisoners through the prison door.

·Finish and repair the MOD tool. (The MOD tool will be released soon. The overlord's MOD era is really getting closer to us.)

·The automatic generation of path finding grid with MOD tool is improved. Online mode Online map related


·Add a model resource with a broken wall and fix a few problems. Other - Miscellaneous - Flying Axe can now be used as a one handed melee weapon.

(Default key: "X")

·Fixed a physical bug that occurred when riding a horse through a ladder on the ground. Universal Crash · Fixed possible game crash caused by remote weapon computing.

·Fixed a crash related to weapon calculation when picking up fallen equipment.


·The format of the texture stream has been changed, which can improve the budget speed of the texture stream and reduce the size of the game file by 10GB. (This is a big project, which will improve the quality of the game. It also shows that T Club has recently made efforts to improve the player experience. However, this optimization may lead to some problems. The Chinese station god cnedwin has proposed a solution to this problem. Please don't miss the previous tweet: [God Talk] The problems that may be encountered after the beta e1.5.2 update and the preliminary solutions Battle · updated the animation and timing of getting on and off the horse.


·The stalled mounts will return to their original positions after being repulsed. Now they will reach their new positions.

Software screenshot

 Horse Riding and Killing 2: Overlord Free Edition Gives Multiple Modifiers v1.2.0.21654 Computer Version
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