[Civil Online Statement]

As an Internet information platform for civil engineering industry, Tuben Online only provides information sharing services for users. The content on the website is published by civil online users. According to the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents, Civil Engineering Online has formulated measures and steps aimed at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the obligee. When the obligee finds that the content displayed in the information service provided by Civil Engineering Online infringes his or her legitimate rights and interests, the obligee shall send the information to Civil Engineering Online in advance“ Notice of Rights ”Civil Engineering Online will take measures to remove relevant content or block relevant links according to Chinese laws and regulations and government normative documents.

[Notice of Rights]

The notice of rights submitted by the obligee to Tumen Online shall be signed by the obligee. If the obligee is an entity, The official seal of the company is required. At the same time, the notice shall include the following contents:
(1) Obligee's full name (Name) contact information address Business license (Unit) ID ( (person), relevant authorization certificate and other materials to prove the identity of the obligee;
(2) The exact name and network address of the suspected infringing content that requires deletion or disconnection of the link;
(3) Reason for requesting deletion of relevant information.
After receiving the notice from the obligee, CIVIL will delete the content suspected of infringement or disconnect the link of the works suspected of infringement.

The notice format can refer to the following (the model format issued by the National Copyright Administration)

Email: info@co188.com