Bill of Quantities Updated: 2024-06-25 20:54:27

This topic is the civil online bill of quantities design topic. All the content comes from the information sharing related to the bill of quantities design carefully selected with the civil online forum and database. Civil online is a vertical website for domestic professional buildings, which contains a lot of civil engineering professional information, helping civil engineers grow. For more road engineering design information, please visit the official website of civil online.

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  • Two years later, the standard of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the "Pricing Standard of the Bill of Quantities of Construction Projects (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "New Draft for Comments") again on November 8, 2023. Different from the previous version (November 17, 2021, hereinafter referred to as the "old draft"), there are many forwarders and few analyzers. This may be because the "new draft" has been revised too much compared with the previous version. There are significant changes in both the structural design of the whole standard and the specific terms, and the whole industry may still be digesting. ... View details

    User: Melon eating girl Views: four Time: 2024-06-28
  •  Cost management picture 1

    Two years later, the standard of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the "Pricing Standard of the Bill of Quantities of Construction Projects (Draft for Comments)" again on November 8, 2023. (hereinafter referred to as the "New Draft for Comments"), which is different from the previous version (November 17, 2021, hereinafter referred to as the "Old Draft for Comments") after its release, has been widely forwarded and rarely analyzed, This may be due to the fact that the "New Draft for Comments" has been greatly revised compared with the previous version, and there are significant changes in both the structural design of the entire standard and the specific terms, which may still be being digested by the whole industry. ... View details

    User: Rebellious red wine Views: three Time: 2024-06-27
  • Two years later, the standard of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the "Pricing Standard of the Bill of Quantities of Construction Projects (Draft for Comments)" again on November 8, 2023. (hereinafter referred to as the "New Draft for Comments"), which is different from the previous version (November 17, 2021, hereinafter referred to as the "Old Draft for Comments") after its release, has been widely forwarded and rarely analyzed, This may be due to the fact that the "New Draft for Comments" has been greatly revised compared with the previous version, and there are significant changes in both the structural design of the entire standard and the specific terms, which may still be being digested by the whole industry. This official account is from ... View details

    User: Serious skateboard Views: eleven Time: 2024-06-26
  •  Electrical database picture 1

    Installation of BOQ item settings and BOQ calculation rules, including cutting equipment, forging equipment, casting equipment, and other BOQ item settings, BOQ calculation rules and work content, for your reference! (Click the picture below to enlarge) ... View details

    User: wx_90233925 Views: two Time: 2024-06-25
  • For both parties, some problems encountered in the implementation of the bill of quantities are pitfalls and pie. The key lies in how to raise and solve problems. As the bill of quantities reflects all engineering contents of the proposed project, and other works are carried out to realize these engineering contents. In order to simplify the pricing procedure and connect with the international practice, the bill of quantities is priced by comprehensive unit price. The so-called "comprehensive unit price" refers to the labor cost, material cost, machinery use cost, management cost and profit required to complete a specified measurement unit in the bill of quantities, taking into account risk factors. Because ... View details

    User: Punica granatum with courage and insight Views: one Time: 2024-06-20
  • 01 What is the valuation method of bill of quantities? Answer: In accordance with the national standard Code for Valuation with Bill of Quantities of Construction Projects (GB 50500-2003) (hereinafter referred to as the valuation code), the valuation table for construction and decoration, installation and municipal works in Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as the valuation table), cost calculation rules and project guidelines are used. The tenderee (the employer) provides the quantities of works, and the bidder (the contractor) makes independent quotation, Evaluate the pricing method of winning the bid (determining the contract price) according to the specified bid evaluation method. ... View details

    User: Melon eating girl Views: four Time: 2024-06-12
  •  Cost management picture 1

    The following are the 10 major changes in the content and terms of the [Draft for Comments] compared with the old version of the list. 01 GB is adjusted to GB/T: it is adjusted to a recommended national standard. 02 Response to laws, regulations and policy changes: ① According to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China ... View details

    User: A preserved egg Views: twenty-nine Time: 2024-06-07
  • Reply on the Pricing Dispute of Dongguan Changping West Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Project Y.J.B.F.H. [2023] No. 96 Dongguan Shigu Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. and China Railway 19th Bureau Group Co., Ltd.: You have passed the Guangdong Construction Project Cost Dispute Resolution System, We have received the letter and relevant materials applying for settlement of the pricing dispute of Dongguan Changping West Sewage Treatment Plant Phase II Project. The construction contract signed on September 15, 2022 shows that the project is located in Changping Town, Dongguan City, and the capital source is self raised by the enterprise. Employer Shigu, Dongguan ... View details

    User: wx_34857191 Views: three Time: 2024-06-05
  •  Cost management picture 1

    The project feature description of the bill of quantities is an important link to ensure the smooth performance of the contract and to reasonably determine the project cost, and the project feature description of each item in the bill of quantities is one of the core contents of the bill of quantities. The accuracy of the description of project characteristics directly affects the cost control and quality assurance of the project. Therefore, we must pay attention to the preparation of the description of project characteristics, and ensure the accuracy of the description of project characteristics by deeply understanding the design intent, understanding the construction process and relevant parameters, and keeping the information consistent with the design drawings. What are the key factors of the description of project characteristics? zero ... View details

    User: Melon eating girl Views: twenty-five Time: 2024-06-04
  • In the field of construction engineering, Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is an indispensable part of project management. It lists all the work that needs to be completed to complete the project construction in detail, and the description of the project characteristics of each item in the list is one of the core contents of the bill of quantities. The accuracy of the description of project characteristics will directly affect the cost control and quality assurance of the project. Therefore, we must pay attention to the preparation of the description of project characteristics, and ensure the accuracy of the description of project characteristics by deeply understanding the design intent, understanding the construction process and relevant parameters, and keeping the information consistent with the design drawings ... View details

    User: Except for recognition Views: forty-five Time: 2024-06-04
  • In bidding, it is important for both parties to prepare an accurate bill of quantities: for the bid inviter, the list specification clearly states that the bid inviter should be responsible for the bill of quantities, and the bid inviter should fully bear the cost adjustment caused by the wrong preparation of the bill of quantities; For the bidder, an accurate bill of quantities is also a prerequisite for providing a reasonable quotation. However, in order to grasp the market opportunity more quickly, the time of bidding stage is always very tight. Therefore, how to better complete the high-quality bill of quantities in a short time has become a challenge for all cost personnel. This article ... View details

    User: Melon eating girl Views: eight Time: 2024-05-31
  • There is a complex calculation method for project cost charges. Generally speaking, it can be calculated according to the following formula: basic business consulting charges for project cost=billing base × unit price of measurement benchmark × service content coefficient × drawing efficiency reduction coefficient × commission scope coefficient × construction period adjustment coefficient × change adjustment coefficient daywork charges. The project amount includes unit price charges and daywork charges. The unit price charge is the cumulative calculation of all professional charges, in which the steel structure charging base is the steel structure tonnage; Due to the commission of steel structure list preparation and pricing, the service content coefficient is also required. Daywork charges= ... View details

    User: Tiny Tiny Tiny Bell Views: five Time: 2024-05-23
  • The quality of the bill of quantities mainly includes three aspects:? Items in the bill of quantities - ensure no missing items? Description of bill of quantities - accurate description? Bill of quantities without ambiguity --- improve the accuracy of calculation. 1、 Items in the bill of quantities determine the scope of work of the items in the bill of quantities, which is generally inconsistent with the works of quota sub item. Therefore, if you are not familiar with the project content of the list, it will easily lead to duplicate or missing items. detailed list ... View details

    User: Chow Tai Shrimp Views: six Time: 2024-05-15
  •  Cost management picture 1

    Item? Bidding? Previously? Pricing of? There are three main types of formula: Pricing at Rate, Pricing at Rate, and Pricing at Rate? Pricing and simulation with bill of quantities? Bill of quantities? Formula. 1. Rate pricing is for the purpose of pursuing the best interests? Quick recovery of capital?, Can the Owner replace it according to the rate? What is the total cost of the project? Low advance? Bidding. This? The method eliminates the complicated list preparation process and saves the cost of "inventory management"? The bid evaluation operation is simplified. However, due to this type of "bid evaluation"? Is the method being applied? The defects of design drawings cannot be found in advance during the process, so there are often "defects" in the design drawings? Cost effectiveness is not conducive to the control of cost and progress payment? Quantity comparison?. rate ... View details

    User: Rebellious red wine Views: two Time: 2024-05-14
  •  Cost management picture 1

    In engineering practice, the Employer often requires the bidder to review the bill of quantities in the bidding documents. If the bidder does not find any errors or omissions in the bill of quantities, the consequences shall be borne by the bidder, and the same agreement shall be made in the construction contract after winning the bid. However, the Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Projects (GB50500-2013) (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of 2013) stipulates that "the price of construction projects with bill quantity of construction projects with bill quantity of construction projects with bill quantity of construction projects with bill quantity of construction projects with bill quantity of construction projects with bill quantity of construction projects" (GB50500-2013) shall be calculated according to the requirements of the Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Projects (GB50500-201? 4.1.2 The mandatory clause stipulates that: "The bill of quantities for bidding must be an integral part of the bidding documents, and its accuracy and completeness shall be the responsibility of the tenderee." In practice ... View details

    User: Melon eating girl Views: twenty-one Time: 2024-05-14
  • For both parties, some problems encountered in the implementation of the bill of quantities are both pitfalls and pie. The key is how to raise and solve problems. As the bill of quantities reflects all engineering contents of the proposed project, and other works are carried out to realize these engineering contents. In order to simplify the pricing procedure and connect with the international practice, the bill of quantities is priced by comprehensive unit price. The so-called "comprehensive unit price" refers to the labor cost, material cost ... View details

    User: wx_64138241 Views: three Time: 2024-05-10
  • The similarities and differences between scaffolding works and vertical transportation works in the preparation and pricing of bill of quantities; Different, the single scaffold belongs to the cost of technical measures, but it is more appropriate to define the comprehensive scaffold as the cost of organizational measures. First, review the basic knowledge of comprehensive scaffolding: why comprehensive scaffolding is defined as organizational measure cost. 1. The measurement unit of comprehensive scaffold is closer to the billing mode of organization measure fee: the consumption of people, materials and machines of comprehensive scaffold will vary greatly due to the same structure form and building area but different perimeter. For example, a 40 * 50 meter building has a perimeter of 180 meters, while a 200 * 10 meter building has a perimeter of 4 meters ... View details

    User: Except for recognition Views: eight Time: 2024-05-09
  • As a qualified cost person, you should not only be familiar with the quota and understand the calculation rules, but also know the professional terms. Let's have a look! 01 Terms related to the bill of quantities 1. The detailed list form in the construction project of the bill of quantities specifying the project name, project characteristics and quantities, including the detailed list of sub divisional works, measure items, other items, fee items and tax items of the construction project. 2. Bidding Bill of Quantities ... View details

    User: Rebellious red wine Views: nine Time: 2024-04-30