
Summary: What 2022 did On January 1, 2022, the final version of the WPF project video tutorial for 2022 was released. This series of tutorials seems to be very popular by now. Of course, the most important thing is that it can help many friends who study WPF to quickly understand WPF and its applications. With the previous recorded tutorials, it includes basic tutorials The whole process of UI design and project practice. At the beginning of April 2022, read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-12-15 11:47 Trace g Reading (2969) Comments (13) Recommended (29) edit
Summary: The update indicates that this month's major update not only supports the original Syncfusion UI framework, but also adds support for HandyControl and MaterialDesign frameworks. Note: In order to support multiple frameworks at the same time, in existing projects, the view layer dependency has been completely separated, and the business layer is 100% universal, so as to achieve the purpose of switching UI frameworks at any time. Han read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-12-15 09:52 Trace g Reading (3793) Comments (2) Recommended (3) edit