Summary: Background: The project is upgraded to After Net 8, use System Data. SqlClient connects to SqlServer and prompts the following exception System InvalidOperationException:“Internal connection fatal error.” Start solving the problem: (1) Excluded the connection string to read the whole passage
posted @ 2023-12-28 11:40 y_w_k Reading (309) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: The project is transitioning to vue3. In order to improve development efficiency and reduce repetitive code writing, the code is completed through the Code Snippets of the VSCode editor. To achieve the effect, enter the keyword Index and press Enter. A custom code segment will appear automatically. 1. Open VSCode and click File="Preferences -" Configure User Code Fragment. 2. Create a new global code fragment file, enter the file name, and enter Enter. 3. Repair read the whole passage
posted @ 2023-09-02 22:32 y_w_k Reading (94) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: 1、 Advantages of building vite based on Vite (it can quickly build vue projects faster than webpack packaging) 1. Quick cold start 2. Timely hot update of modules 3. Real on-demand compilation example: vite3 building vue3 project npm init vite=>select framework, select category npm install installation dependency Note: the project after vite building, do not read the whole passage
posted @ 2023-05-01 22:02 y_w_k Reading (34) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: 1. Introduce router npm install vue-router@4 2. Create a folder router and an index.js file import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from "vue router" const router=createRouter read the whole passage
posted @ 2023-02-19 20:00 y_w_k Reading (30) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: This article mainly introduces how to configure and use the JWT Role based authorization configuration Demo demo: 1. Token generation is authenticated and authorized through Token. You need to configure the permission items corresponding to Role in Claims. Assume that the user has two permissions: "RoleA" and "RoleB". In the process of generating the token, add these two permissions claims Add(new Clai read the whole passage
posted @ 2023-02-11 11:24 y_w_k Reading (326) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: What is Hadoop? Distributed system infrastructure developed by the Apache Foundation Storage, analysis and calculation of massive data Hadoop architecture history: 1.0 HDFS and MapReduce 2.0 added YARN (task scheduling) on the basis of 1.0, freeing MapReduce 3.0 and 2.0 similar, focusing on optimizing Hadoop advantages: 1) high reliability read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-08-21 15:31 y_w_k Reading (551) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: Recently, we need to build our own Nuget package management function in the platform to uniformly control Nuget packages, which is conducive to pulling down Nuget packages in the intranet environment and improving the speed of CICD. I checked some information, starting with the open-source project Baget. Baget source code address: , can set up a private Nuget server read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-03-27 13:58 y_w_k Reading (249) Comments (0) Recommended (1) edit
Summary: Recently, I made a WeChat applet and wanted to publish it through Uniapp. I sorted out the problems encountered in the development process. 1. Page jump and parameter transfer are generally string types, and the type of bool transfer will also be treated as a string. For example, click page jump and parameter transfer, and the jump page receives the parameter isgas uni.reLaunch ({url: '/pages/cen read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-03-26 13:50 y_w_k Reading (435) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: Shopify background introduces what is an e-commerce platform developed by Shopify programmers. Based on Ruby On Rails, it is the largest independent mall platform in foreign countries. There is no restriction on products, categories, and quantities. It only needs to improve and maintain each product and bring traffic to your website. Different from domestic Taobao and Jingdong e-commerce platforms: similar to Taobao and Jingdong platforms with large traffic read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-03-13 21:38 y_w_k Reading (629) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In the process of studying the core source code, it is found that many delegation concepts are used to encapsulate custom components, which makes the code more concise and efficient. The current usage scenarios of delegation are divided into two: 1) extending custom components (initialization of delegation) 2) avoiding circular call dependency between class libraries (delegation assignment) Preparation: What is delegation? It is a reference type used to pass a method as a parameter to other method delegates. Simple example: 1/ read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-01-04 20:43 y_w_k Reading (304) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit