Summary: C++provides four cast operators: static_cast, reinterpret_cast, const_cast, and dynamic_cast. These operators have their own specific purposes and are suitable for different type conversion requirements. This article will introduce these four operators and their application scenarios in detail, and discuss their use in up conversion and down conversion. 1. st read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-06-04 14:40 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: This document analyzes a section of code to implement custom ToggleButton animation and style, and an example of controlling ToggleButton through remote signals. This code shows how to use XAML and C # in WPF to combine animation, style and event triggers to implement interactive controls. ToggleButton is mainly used to associate remote communication states. RemoteToggleButton is used read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-06-03 09:35 illegal keyword Reading (6) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), the appearance and behavior of controls are defined through the Control Template. TabControl and TabItem controls are no exception. Their default control templates define the structure and visual state of these controls. In practical applications, developers may find that TabI is set directly read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-30 13:05 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: 1. The comparison between IEnumerable and List is shown in In. NET, IEnumerable and List are two common collection types. They have their own application scenarios: IEnumerable<T>: Advantage: lazy evaluation, which is only calculated during iteration, and is suitable for large data sets or streaming data processing. Disadvantages: No index access, no direct addition or removal of elements read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-29 14:21 illegal keyword Reading (1) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In multithreaded programming, thread synchronization is an important means to ensure data consistency and avoid race conditions. This article will deeply discuss the two commonly used synchronization mechanisms, lock (object) and SemaphoreSlim, and analyze their differences, applicable scenarios, and how to select appropriate synchronization tools in actual development. 1、 Lock (object) (or Monitor) 1 Single thread access read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-29 10:47 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In modern WPF application development, Prism framework provides powerful modularization, dependency injection and MVVM support, while Microsoft Extensions. DependencyInjection provides a simple and powerful dependency injection mechanism. Another important point is Microsoft Extensions. * or third-party Nuget will basically provide Mi read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-29 09:38 illegal keyword Reading (11) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In modern application development, asynchronous data loading and management is a common requirement. This article introduces a custom asynchronous data loading tool, AsyncLoadHelper. Through detailed design and implementation introduction, as well as practical application examples, it shows the advantages of AsyncLoadHelper in simplifying asynchronous operations, improving code readability and maintainability. In the development process, asynchronous data loading often involves read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-28 14:29 illegal keyword Reading (4) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In WPF, Adorner is a special decorative layer that can draw visual effects on UI elements. It is often used to provide visual feedback or decoration functions, such as focus indication, drag and drop effects, etc. Custom Adorne Class To create a custom Adorner, you need to inherit the Adorner class and override the OnRender method. In the OnRender method, you can make read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-28 10:43 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonDown are two common mouse events. They differ in event routing strategies and processing timing. Understanding the difference between these two events and how to use them in practical applications can help develop read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-28 10:31 illegal keyword Reading (13) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: This article is a review of the code that has been written. Please correct any misunderstanding! In the library or framework design, "Rich return value" refers to the richness of the return value, which means that the function returns not only a simple value, but a composite type containing additional information. This design can provide more context information for the caller to understand read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-11 18:45 illegal keyword Reading (2) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In our daily life, we often obtain music resources from various channels, such as purchasing, downloading or borrowing from friends. However, sometimes we may find a large number of duplicate music files in our music library, which not only wastes storage space, but also brings inconvenience when listening to music. To solve this problem, I wrote a simple Python program to help clean up duplicate music files. Why Python read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-03-30 23:27 illegal keyword Reading (19) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: This paper discusses how to combine Qt and VTK (Visualization Toolkit) to develop a graphical user interface (GUI). Through a specific case, it details how to embed VTK renderers in Qt applications and create interactive graphic elements, such as buttons, to achieve a richer user experience. The article also deeply analyzes how to handle button click events and how to convert Qt image data to VT read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-03-01 16:11 illegal keyword Reading (154) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: Functions and effects of common vtkWidgets: vtkImageCroppingRegionsWidget: Functions: vtkImageCroppingRegionsWidget is an interactive part used to crop a small area of image data. It allows the user to select the region of interest on the image and use it as a parameter for image clipping. Effect: When using vtkIma read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-02-29 17:50 illegal keyword Reading (259) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: To change the time format of Git log display to "2023-01-01", you can use the following command: git log -- date=format: "% Y -% m -% d" This will display the time information in Git log in the specified date format. If you want to restore the time format to the default format, you can use the following command: git log -- dat read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-02-24 19:53 illegal keyword Reading (94) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: After setting the git console coding format to utf-8, the default codes of the git gui tools, commit and log are: git config -- global gui.encoding utf-8 git config -- global i18n.commitencoding utf-8 git config- read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-02-24 19:50 illegal keyword Reading (74) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit