Essay classification- C#

Abstract: This document analyzes a section of code that implements custom ToggleButton animations and styles, as well as an example of remote signal control of ToggleButton. This code shows how to use XAML and C # in WPF to combine animation, style and event triggers to implement interactive controls. ToggleButton is mainly used to associate remote communication states. RemoteToggleButton is used read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-06-03 09:35 illegal keyword Reading (6) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: In WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), the appearance and behavior of controls are defined through the Control Template. TabControl and TabItem controls are no exception. Their default control templates define the structure and visual state of these controls. In practical applications, developers may find that TabI is set directly read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-30 13:05 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Abstract: 1 The comparison between IEnumerable and List is in In. NET, IEnumerable and List are two common collection types. They have their own application scenarios: IEnumerable<T>: Advantage: lazy evaluation, which is only calculated during iteration, and is suitable for large data sets or streaming data processing. Disadvantages: No index access, no direct addition or removal of elements read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-29 14:21 illegal keyword Reading (1) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Absrtact: In multithreaded programming, thread synchronization is an important means to ensure data consistency and avoid race conditions. This article will deeply discuss the two commonly used synchronization mechanisms, lock (object) and SemaphoreSlim, and analyze their differences, applicable scenarios, and how to select appropriate synchronization tools in actual development. 1、 Lock (object) (or Monitor) 1 Single thread access read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-29 10:47 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Absrtact: In modern WPF application development, Prism framework provides powerful modularization, dependency injection and MVVM support, while Microsoft Extensions. DependencyInjection provides a simple and powerful dependency injection mechanism. Another important point is Microsoft Extensions. * or third-party Nuget will basically provide Mi read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-29 09:38 illegal keyword Reading (11) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Absrtact: Asynchronous data loading and management is a common requirement in modern application development. This article introduces a custom asynchronous data loading tool, AsyncLoadHelper. Through detailed design and implementation introduction, as well as practical application examples, it shows the advantages of AsyncLoadHelper in simplifying asynchronous operations, improving code readability and maintainability. In the development process, asynchronous data loading often involves read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-28 14:29 illegal keyword Reading (4) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Absrtact: In WPF, Adorner is a special decorative layer that can draw visual effects on UI elements. It is often used to provide visual feedback or decoration functions, such as focus indication, drag and drop effects, etc. Custom Adorne Class To create a custom Adorner, you need to inherit the Adorner class and override the OnRender method. In the OnRender method, you can make read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-28 10:43 illegal keyword Reading (5) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Abstract: In WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonDown are two commonly used mouse events. They differ in event routing strategies and processing timing. Understanding the difference between these two events and how to use them in practical applications can help develop read the whole passage
posted @ 2024-05-28 10:31 illegal keyword Reading (13) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Abstract: When binding, if you can specify the Path (Name) of the data source attribute, you can specify the Source and ElementName. However, sometimes the data source to be bound may not have an explicit Path (Name), so you need to specify the binding source attribute by using the RelativeSource attribute of the Binding object. In short, it is to specify the current read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-11-01 16:22 illegal keyword Reading (1062) Comments (0) Recommended (3) edit
Abstract: WPF class inheritance diagram Object class: in The root type DispatcherObject class of all types in Net: Most objects in WPF derive from DispatcherObject, which provides basic construction for handling concurrency and threads. WPF is based on the message system implemented by the scheduler. DependencyObject class: representing a parameter read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-10-31 17:33 illegal keyword Reading (254) Comments (0) Recommended (1) edit
Abstract: Lazy<>is used to solve the asynchronous requirements in the constructor elegantly, C # starts to support delayed initialization. Through the Lazy keyword, we can declare that an object is reinitialized only when it is used for the first time. If it has not been called, it will not be initialized, which saves some unnecessary overhead and improves efficiency and thread safety. By default read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-06-28 16:42 illegal keyword Reading (269) Comments (0) Recommended (1) edit
Abstract: Expression and ExpressionTree LINQ expressions (Expression) can assign lambda expressions to Func or Action type delegates to process collections in memory NET compiler converts lambda expressions assigned to Func or Action type delegates into executable code at compile time. LINQ introduced a new technology called E read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-06-06 09:39 illegal keyword Reading (93) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: LINQ operatorLINQ filter operatorWhere filter operators in LINQ filter sequences (sets) according to some given criteria. The following table lists all available filter operators in LINQ. The filter operator describes where to return a value from the collection according to the predicate function. OfType returns the value in the collection according to the specified type. However, it depends on whether they can convert to the specified type. read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-06-02 14:31 illegal keyword Reading (84) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Abstract: The Quartz version is required to be higher than 3.2 to install Install Package Quartz The Extensions.Hosting Quartz.Extensions.Hosting package contains Quartz Extensions.DependencyInjection, For details, please consult Quartz Extensions read the whole passage
posted @ 2022-02-28 17:32 illegal keyword Reading (379) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Abstract: AspNetCore3.1. x runs Windows Service and installs the corresponding expansion pack Nuget install Microsoft Extensions.Hosting.WindowsServices Modify Pragram.cs Public class Program {public st read the whole passage
posted @ 2021-05-20 10:05 illegal keyword Reading (154) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Abstract: When using Flurl as an HttpClient to request from the server, the request may fail due to network or other reasons, such as HttpStatusCode NotFound, HttpStatusCode. ServiceUnavailable, HttpStatusCode. RequestTimeout, etc; There are read the whole passage
posted @ 2021-03-14 17:08 illegal keyword Reading (516) Comments (1) Recommended (0) edit
Absrtact: C # obtains the connection status of WIFI. This article is to obtain the connection status of the device when the name of the WIFI network device is known. It can also determine whether the WAN has been connected. At first, the idea was whether there was such a direct access to device information. Through this returned information, I can get the status I want. I found a data that there is a libiw on Linux, The information about the ssid that this package can scan is not what I want read the whole passage
posted @ 2020-12-23 11:09 illegal keyword Reading (1395) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Absrtact: Sometimes, when processing Http requests, we are lazy and don't want to define a model to process them. It is very convenient to use Dynamic to directly operate the requested data. Dynamic keyword and dynamic language runtime (DLR) in C # are New features in Net 4.0. What is "dynamic" programming language can sometimes be divided into static typing language and dynamic typing language. read the whole passage
posted @ 2020-12-02 17:21 illegal keyword Reading (1136) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit
Summary: First, create a blank solution WPF With Asp Net WebApi II, Create WPF project WpfApp 3 of Net5, create Asp. of Net5 Net WebApi project WebApiProvidor 4. Modify WebApiProvider project and WpfApp project Modify the output type of WebApiProvider project read the whole passage
posted @ 2020-11-24 20:08 illegal keyword Reading (2321) Comments (9) Recommended (2) edit
Summary: To install the Single Page Application (SPA) templates, run the following command: dotnet new -- install Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaTemplates:: * Create Asp Net read the whole passage
posted @ 2020-11-17 20:00 illegal keyword Reading (255) Comments (0) Recommended (0) edit