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WHMCS set to Simplified Chinese

Advocacy is already in《 WHMCS Installation Tutorial 》After WHMCS is installed, set it to Simplified Chinese.

1. Download the simplified Chinese package from GitHub:
https://github.com/kaneawk/WHMCS-CN-translations (Special thanks to @ kaneawk for his contribution to the project)

2. Unzip the downloaded zip and upload it to the server according to the following steps:

 (1) Rename the original chinese.php in the/lang/directory under the whmcs installation directory to chinese-tw.php, because it is in traditional Chinese (2) Upload and unzip the lang/chinese-cn.php to the/lang/path in the whmcs installation directory (3) Upload and unzip the admin/lang/chinese-cn.php to the whmcs installation directory /Admin_dir/lang/path

3. Access the background, enter Setup – General Settings in the navigation menu, then set the country as China and the default language as Chinese cn according to the following figure, and click Save Settings:

4. At this time, you find that the background is still in English, then click My Account in the upper left corner of the page to enter the setting interface, set the language as Chinese cn according to the figure below, enter the administrator password, and click the last save setting:

5. After the page is refreshed, you can see that the background is in Chinese. Of course, the translation is not complete, and many places are still in English. If you know English, you can help to complete the translation of the project on Fork!

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