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Record a solution to "This website may damage your computer"

Today, the customer of Advocate Meng Server Maintenance reported that the website had security problems, and all search results indicated that "this website may damage your computer":


The following prompt appears for normal access in Chrome:


This problem is very serious. Search engines and browsers directly block and prompt users, and users will not access it, let alone ranking.

1. Google's Search Console I verified the website and saw the "security problem":


2. Check the source code of the webpage directly, and everything seems normal; After debugging through the browser, I found the clue. It was unexpectedly hanged by js. I saw that the js code from the domain name tongjii.us was loaded (I'm sorry I don't remember the screenshot). It can be seen from this that the problem can only be found in the debugging mode.

3. Know the hung code, but where did it hang from? At first, I really had no idea, but it must be a js file. At this time, you can manually try to search tongji in all the js file codes that are also loaded. Generally, you can find the problem js. Of course, Advocate Meng uses free security scanning tools here https://sitecheck.sucuri.net Find the problem:


From the scanning results, you can see the path of the problematic js file. Open the file and find the malicious code:

Delete the file and upload it again. Then set the file to read-only.

After processing, return to Search Console On the security problems page, check "I have solved these problems" and submit for review

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