home page / Advocate Meng / Complaining about Baidu Statistics, Alibaba YunOS and Radio&TV

Complaining about Baidu Statistics, Alibaba YunOS and Radio&TV

Recently, I have been abused and come out to complain (statement: I am not an angry youth).

Baidu Statistics

I have been using Baidu Statistics for some years. Recently, I found that the loading speed of Baidu Statistics is getting slower and slower! The browser keeps circling, and the lower left corner always shows "waiting for the response from hm.baodu.com", but it can't be helped. It still has to be used. It seems that other statistics are similar. Don't you think you are a god? You can get erect quickly!!

Alibaba YunOS and Radio&TV

Before the Spring Festival last year, I bought a Tianmin set-top box with built-in Alibaba YunOS. I thought that as long as the network was unblocked, I could watch TV and movies. But I didn't expect that Alibaba YunOS would be forced to update once the "XXX" number file of the radio and television station was released. All the players were not available, and they were not allowed to be installed. Nima may be "disabled" at any time when she buys something these days. Is there any!!

And we also have to pay for advertising to see whether there are telecommunication users!!

The society is going to be in chaos, right

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