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Resolve that phpMyAdmin cannot edit MySQL database # 1030 Get error from storage engine

Today, I handled the problem that the website could not be logged in for the customer. Because the background password of WordPress was incorrect, I wanted to directly change the password of the database through phpMyAdmin, but I was prompted with an error: # 1030 Get error * from storage engine, as shown in the following figure

Deep Operating System Installing Nut Cloud

I have a laptop on hand that I bought several years ago. I installed Windows 8.1, and it got stuck without opening a few software. I can't afford to buy a new one. It's too uncomfortable to go back home without a computer to access the Internet, and it's too tiring for people without a car to bring a desktop! Since you can't use Windows, try Linux. All these years, I have been closed

Cmhello.com domain email is used to send spam, is there any way?

Many years ago, when QQ Mailbox launched the domain name mailbox function, Advocate launched a domain name mailbox for the domain name cmhello.com, mainly to facilitate management with QQ Mailbox, which has been good for several years. Until last night, I had received a reminder email of returning the letter. I was sure that it was used by others to send spam: the approximate value of each email was

Problems and solutions of WordPress and WHMCS integration

Advocate Meng has been struggling with the integration of WordPress and WHMCS recently. So far, she has stepped through many pitfalls. Let's record. Support WHMCS genuine. At the beginning, download the latest version of WHCMS source code from the official location, and then find the cracking file from the Internet. After installation, I encountered a problem, common

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