May 6

H4MIDI WC: Advanced USB Host MIDI interface

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 Advanced MIDI USB host

Unlocking Limitless MIDI Possibilities: H4MIDI WC
The Advanced USB Host MIDI Interface

The USB MIDI Versus MIDI I/O Dilemma

In the intricate realm of USB technology, devices assume distinct roles: hosts and clients. Much like a computer serving as the host and peripherals acting as clients, many MIDI controllers function solely as USB clients, relying on a host for power and connectivity.

But what if you want to connect your USB MIDI keyboard directly to your synthesizer, circumventing the need for a computer? Or how will you manage multiple USB MIDI-enabled devices in a pedalboard while maintaining a clean setup?

Solving MIDI Connection Challenges with the H4MIDI WC

Introducing the H4MIDI WC – your key to unlocking endless possibilities for your USB MIDI devices. With this Host for USB MIDI, you gain the ability to easily control synthesizers, samplers, effects, and more directly from your USB MIDI device.

Say goodbye to the hassles of relying on a computer and dealing with complex setups. With the H4MIDI WC, MIDI connection becomes a breeze, allowing you to focus on making music without the limitations of traditional USB MIDI setups.

Crowd Creation: Let your voice be heard!

Of course, the concept of the Host for USB MIDI is not new. That is why you are invited to embark on a journey of innovation with us!

On May 1, 2024, the first post was unveiled in our Facebook Community Group , marking the inception of what we now call the H4MIDI WC. Guided by feedback from the inner circle, the dev team swiftly developed three iterations within a single week.

Phase 1: Simple mode > USB HOST MIDI to 5-pin DIN without computer


In response to your valuable feedback, we are already thrilled to announce exciting expansions to our MIDI connectivity solutions.

While there's been interest in TRS MIDI ports, we're starting with 5-pin DIN MIDI ports and plan to introduce 5-pin DIN to TRS MIDI Type A cables, aligning with our current cable designs.

Drawing from our insights gained from WIDI Master and WIDI Jack , we recognize the importance of prioritizing the most widely used solution. Introducing TRS would necessitate additional components, potentially escalating costs or reducing the availability of 5-pin DIN ports.

Hence, our decision to concentrate solely on 5-pin DIN initially. We aim to provide tailored solutions upon request with TRS MIDI cables. This approach ensures you're not paying for unnecessary features and allows for seamless expansion as required. Explore our MIDI cable collection for  more details .

Additionally, based on numerous requests for expanded USB host functionality, that is how the second design came to existence to meet your evolving needs.

Phase 2: Expand mode > Up to 8-in-8-out USB HOST ports and 2-in-2-out MIDI I/O

 Expand up to 8 USB MIDI clients with CME USB host MIDI Interface

With your USB hub, you can effortlessly integrate up to 8 USB MIDI devices with bidirectional communication. There are many affordable USB hub solutions on the market, against a price point a small developer like CME can never beat. That is why, if you actually need it, you can expand via a 3rd party device. And if you do not need it, you do not need to pay for an integrated solution that is relatively expensive.

This connectivity extends to a 2-in-2-out MIDI interface, streamlining your setup without the need for an operating system. Plus, with the H4MIDI WC powering all connected devices via the hub, you'll enjoy seamless bidirectional communication across up to 10 devices.

After introducing this second concept, it became clear you wanted more....

Phase 3: Advanced mode > Integrate operating systems + standalone router, filter & mapper

 H4MIDI WC advanced mode USB MIDI host with router, filter and mapper
Operating systems: macOS, iOS, Windows, Android, Linux, and ChromeOS

With phase 3 the latest enhancements to the H4MIDI WC, designed to elevate your MIDI experience to new heights.

By incorporating a USB-C port initially dedicated to powering the H4MIDI WC and connected USB clients, we've expanded its capabilities to 4 virtual MIDI ports via USB-C to your operating system. This breakthrough allows seamless connectivity with major operating systems such as macOS, iOS, Windows, Android, Linux, and ChromeOS.

Configuration software: Router, Filter & Mapper

That's not all. With this update comes the introduction of our groundbreaking software: HxMIDI Tools. This innovative tool empowers you to take full control of your H4MIDI WC's settings, providing unprecedented flexibility and customization.

Drawing from the expertise of routing, filtering, and mapping software available for our U2MIDI Pro and U6MIDI Pro , HxMIDI Tools enables you to create merges, splits, and configure your own routing with ease. Additionally, you'll have the ability to filter and remap MIDI messages, akin to our renowned UxMIDI Tools .

4 Presets: programmable with physical switch for standalone scenarios

Perhaps the most exciting feature of HxMIDI Tools is the creation of 4 different presets, each fully customizable with your preferred routing, mapping, and filtering configurations. With the H4MIDI WC, you can effortlessly switch between presets using the dedicated preset button, providing seamless control without the need for continuous operating system connection.

Experience the next level of MIDI control and versatility with H4MIDI WC and HxMIDI Tools – where innovation meets convenience.

 HxMIDI Tools

Draft graphic design: HxMIDI Tools advanced router for USB MIDI, OS, BLE MIDI and MIDI hardware with filtering and mapping

H4MIDI WC: The current state of the crowd creation process (updated May 14, 2024)

As the crowd creation process progresses, we're excited to share the current state of the H4MIDI WC's main features:

  • Up to 8-in-8-out HOST ports via USB-A
  • 2-in-2-out MIDI I/O ports via 5-pin DIN MIDI
  • 4-in-4-out virtual MIDI ports via USB-C for any OS
  • 1-in-1-out optional Bluetooth MIDI via WIDI Core expansion
  • HxMIDI Tools with router, mapper, filter and 4 switchable presets

One of our primary goals in developing the H4MIDI WC is affordability. You'll only pay for the features you need, keeping the core design simple, compact, and, most importantly, budget-friendly.

Moreover, if you prefer working with a computer, it's entirely optional. You can seamlessly integrate the H4MIDI WC into your setup without the need for a computer, or utilize its external power option via USB-C for added flexibility.

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to refine and enhance the H4MIDI WC based on your valuable feedback!

Phase 4: Smart mode > Adding convenience with innovatie design and features

Following your valuable feedback, the next iteration has been finalised, incorporating the following features:

  • Dual power supply
    5v USB power bank for mobile application.
    9v DC power supply for guitar pedals.
  • 11 smart LED indicators
    Clear indicators for each input and output, ensuring seamless connectivity at a glance.
  • WIDI Bluetooth MIDI
    Ultra-low Latency Premium Bluetooth MIDI via optional WIDI Core with WIDI Groups via WIDI App

The inclusion of WIDI Core as an optional feature for Bluetooth MIDI expansion ensures cost-effectiveness while allowing for customisable upgrades.

Shaped with guitarists in mind, the compact dimensions (140mm x 38mm x 33mm) accommodate cramped pedalboards with a slim, reversible design.

With a dual power option delivering either 1A via 9v or 5v USB, and 11 indicator LEDs for clear MIDI operation monitoring, the H4MIDI WC priorities functionality both in studio and on stage.

Next step will be the final design, colouring and of course pricing......

Stay tuned!  

 USB MIDI host for effect pedals

Phase 5: Design Mode > The final design is here!

The complete product design and its final features can be found on the official H4MIDI WC product page !

 Advanced USB MIDI hub for pedalboards and MIDI hardware

Explore the ongoing discussions, leave your feedback in the comment section below and stay tuned for real-time updates in this blog.
Last update: May 21, 2024


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  1. I know this will get zero acceptance, but I would like to see this device in a 19 inch rack-mountable box, and with an internal PSU. These little boxes with wall warts and line lumps are not stage-friendly.

  2. Surely the last thing anybody wants is a usb hub dangling from your device. I would much prefer to see a number of usb ports in the main device – it’s one less thing to go wrong and less of a rats nest of cables. Please rethink this even if it makes the device a little more expensive.

    Preset changes via midi would also be highly desirable – I would be able to integrate it with my live sequencer.

    Would also like to see an easy way to rack mount your devices, at least the small ones have a magnetic mount.

    Don’t get me wrong – I absolutely love your kit. I am currently gigging with WIDI master, Jack and uHost.

    1. Thanks for your feedback. It is excellent. The hub is a solution for the H4MIDI WC. It makes the solution attractive and affordable. If you want to expand you can use a USB hub. If you do not, you do not pay for it either.

      Based on your feedback, I think we are looking at a different device, a bigger brother of the H4. Maybe 19″ inch with all integrated for a pro-level pricing 😉

      You can join this debate here about it:

      The Preset changes via MIDI is an excellent suggestion. Let me share that with the dev team. I’ll let you know!


  3. The product currently groups the 5-pin MIDI DINs as Input and output.
    I suggest the 5-pin MIDI DINs grouping be Input-1/Input-2.
    The reason is that CME's other offerings (like WIDI Jack and WIDI Master) have cables. If these other offerings are plugged into unit, then the wires would cross.
    one Not a big deal but just my 2 cents worth.
    two It's not clear to me if WIDI jack/Master are needed or if the product connects to the computer via Bluetooth. It says optional but I'm not clear on the implementation.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. There are two ways to add Bluetooth MIDI. You can built-in a WIDI Core module. Or you can plug in a WIDI Master or WIDI Jack. The reason we keep it like this, is to ensure we can offer the lowest price possible for this H4MIDI WC. Once the sales are successful we can expand to a solution where we built-in WIDI.

      For the ports. I will share your feedback with the team. Let’s see what they have to say about it.


  4. Looks great! I have a widi jack to use a usb midi keyboard with Bluetooth to connect to some synths. (Korg nanokey to volca etc) I have simpler needs and would like to see an option for something as small and compact as widi jack but which does usb to trs midi ideally without need for a power supply so using the power via midi cable like widi jack (if enough) or to have usb c power. The alternatives are big and more expensive than Widi jack.

    1. Thanks for your feedback. A smaller version is an option for the future. There will always be a need for external power, as USB MIDI controllers are powered via USB. I’ll share your idea internally. It might be a good fit when we will look into a TRS solution. Currently the smallest USB host available, is the WIDI Uhost 😉

  5. I think this concept is great. But I think right now a simpler device would be more popular. A small device that plugs in to MIDI DIN set (In and Out) and 'converts' it directly to USB. It would take power from the USB connection and present a USB MIDI device to the Host – USB C for size considerations.. Simple, and should be easy to design for low power. Making it fit in the same form factor as the WIDI Master would skip a lot of product engineering, just change the color to prevent confusion for people who have both.

    1. Oh wow! Good thinking. Basically, WIDI Uhost is a tiny USB host converter. What I understand from your feedback is that you want something like an H1 😉 I am not sure if it is technically possible, but it is certainly something to think about!

  6. The biggest problem for me is figuring out how to store and retrieve SysEx messages for sending presets to and receiving them from my keyboards.

    I have the Yamaha Reface DX and the thousands of presets from the Reface DX Legacy Project. I'd like to be able to navigate and search through those fast to send them to my keyboard but there isn't a good way to do that.

  7. I think TRS is the way forward, and the adapters that exist solve for legacy hardware already. Just look at the upcoming Knot from Intech, so small and streamlined. DIN ports just make a bulkier and clunkier device experience. It would also scale much better to support 8 ports. It looks like this was already considered and rejected so I guess that's that.

    For usb, I agree with others asking for more ports built in. Even 2 ports would provide what is very difficult today – the ability to add a USB controller to an instrument/sequencer that only supports device mode ie Roli Keyboard on an OP-1. Or Korg Nanokey on a Beatstep pro. Adding a hub + power is asking a lot, please add one more usb-a port. Better yet, use usb-c ports and ditch usb-a altogether.

    Speaking of hubs, for most users a 7 port usb hub is more realistic. Most of these hubs are actually 2 usb hubs fused together, so a 4 port hub with 1 port used for a second hub, ends up with 7 usable ports. If the hardware supports 8 devices, then it's probably safer to advertise the product as supporting 7 port hubs.

    Then there's the software. All of this should be possible through midi in a browser, similar to the Launchpad or Expert Sleepers FH-2. Consider this approach, as it provides a better end-user experience, less stuff to install, and more compatibility with other operating systems. Bundling a webapp into a stand-alone app is also simple these days.

    1. Thanks for your valuable feedback. It is much appreciated. We are aware of the requests for TRS. That said, based on our sales data, we sell a lot more WIDI Master than WIDI Jack. Actually, the WIDI Jack variant with 5-pin DIN cables sells more than the TRS 3.5 Type A/B variant. For us this means that still today, the market for 5-pin DIN is much much bigger than for TRS. That said, from a design perspective and looking at compact solutions, TRS is really interesting. So, for now we go for a cable solution, and when we are sure TRS has sufficient demand, we can move to production of a strictly TRS solution.

      For USB, adding an additional port has consequences for pricing. I think we can look at a bigger picture here too. When we bring this version successful to the market. we can expand and bring an USB hub integration to the market, with a different price level. The focus now is to deliver as many solutions, in a compact box, against a budget-friendly pricing.

      That can only be done by making concessions. For the USB host functionality. The exact technical detail is 8-in-8-out host ports. This could up be
      – 8 devices with 1 in / 1 out
      – 4 devices with 2 ins / 2 outs

      This will depend on how the devices are designed. For the software, yes we looked in to browser-based solutions and found some challenges with it. For now, we first want to focus on delivering iOS, macOS, Windows and Android versions of the software.

      For new products lines, we might consider the web-based solutions.

      That all being said, your feedback is really useful and offers some clever perspectives. I’ll be sharing it internally.

  8. Lots to like here! I particularly love the fact that you can store preset routing configurations to eliminate the need to connect a computer for live performance!

    What are the proposed dimensions of the box? And can you keep all the connections on one side as in the diagram? Thanks!

    1. I am not sure about the dimensions yet. We’d like to keep it compact, and portable. Now we know what we exactly wanna put into it, we can look at the casing and the hardware design. I think this will be the next step, and hope we can show something by the end of this week!

  9. That's looking awesome! Please, make that routing graphics using different colors per port, otherwise will be extremely painful to check what's connected to what.. 🙂

  10. The Idea is very very good.

    When possible put it in the smallest box execution as possible. How smaller the unit will be how better.

    Is an update from this device with a display , like the sipario ( Lab4Music) possible as an luxury unit ??

  11. This looks great , one thing to note is midi clock . I hope this is transmitted and received both ways without latency . I have several USB midi devices that need USB midi clock , and it would be great to link them to DIN midi seamlessly .
    The ability to disable clock on some ports too might ben needed .
    But great device .

    1. MIDI clock should not be an issue with our 32-bit chipset, and with our automated transmission speeds, it should be fairly simple to sync USB and MIDI I/O. Also, with our filter option it would be easy to filter out clock messages as you like.

  12. Please ensure it also has midi over Cat 6 compatibility and is midi 2 compliant .
    Cat 6 for really long distance runs .
    I know Widi and Bluetooth over midi are great, but a Cat 6 device with all the options that Widi and BT over midi really would be the live scenes saviour.
    But to offer a rock solid solution for distance with the flexibility of Widi and BT is the answer

  13. Not sure if anyone has asked/suggested this, but if the WIDI Core could be made a simple mod (unscrew a panel, slot it in, screw the panel back on) that would be a huge bonus. I've had issues with Windows connecting to CME Bluetooth, so something built in would save using one of the 5 pin MIDI slots and keep it free.

    Also, a range of MIDI cable adapters would be invaluable to a lot of people I think. E.g. Midi 5 pin Male to Male adapter, Male to Female adapter, Female to Female adapter, 5 pin to 3.5mm TRS adapter, etc.

    Keeping it small/compact and less than 1" / 25mm high so it can be fit under a pedalboard.

    1. Thanks for this feedback. Installing a WIDI Core should be relatively simple indeed. Also, we will consider a future solution with it built in. For connecting to Windows, there are some guidelines that can help you out. When you go to the online start guide, there are three troubleshooting sections for Windows. One is via Korg BEL MIDI drivers, the other is clearing the Bluetooth connection cache. Also, make sure to have the correct Bluetooth settings for Windows 11 specifically, and keep in mind that Windows does not offer a solution for multi-client, so keep a single software running to avoid issues with connected devices. You can find more details here: -jump-1834ac15cc6

      On the cables, your suggestions are great. That said, as a small company, we have to make choices, we simply cannot do it all. So, we have to focus on products that really make a difference, and can justify the energy needed to launch a product and sell worldwide. The MIDI cables for 5-pin DIN are doing quite well, that is why we consider the next step with a TRS solution.

  14. All very exciting technology!!! Creating and performing music is tough enough, without technology getting in the way.
    Your products are going to help the creative person put the technology behind them and get back to making music!!!

  15. I don't mind plugging in a WIDI Core board myself if I have to, but I think the bluetooth capability should be built in, because WIDI to me is your identity, it's the USP that bubbled this brand to the top.

    Also, prioritise separate mains power if you think that will better manage noise.

    1. I actually agree with you. That said, the first challenge is to bring a MIDI USB host to the market. And we want to do that in the most affordable way. So, WIDI is optional, not mandatory, to keep the price as low as possible. We did this before with the MIDI Thru5 WC, and followed later with the WIDI Thru6 BT. This is essentially a MIDI Thru5 WC with WIDI built-in via WIDI Core.

      The challenge we foresee with integrating WIDI from the beginning is that it will require two pieces of software to control it. One is for WIDI via WIDI App, and the other is for HxMIDI Tools. This will make it, we think, too complex for a budget-friendly solution like the H4MIDI WC. And that can lead to negative reviews, more service and returns.

      That is why we are careful with this approach. As a small developer we want to be sure that what we manufacture is actually demanded by the community. Otherwise it is too risky. So, we take these things step by step. First we introduce the H4MIDI WC in the best possible way, and allow people to expand in what they need. This can be with TRS cables or with WIDI Core, for instance.

      Based on that knowledge we can expand the product line, and consider smaller version, larger versions and more feature rich solutions.

  16. Having seen that a iOS device can be connected, I would like to know if it is possible to supply the connected iOS dive with power. iOS devices have only one USB plug. The MIDI device with it's own external power supply connected could supply the tablet with power?

    1. Good question. The H4MIDI WC has a single USB-C port that can be used for external power or to connect to a host like your iOS device. In this case, your host must supply power to the H4MIDI WC. The other way around will not work this way, and you cannot charge your iOS device from the H4. That said, what I would consider, is expanding the H4MIDI WC with a WIDI Core. This will integrate Bluetooth MIDI. You can then wirelessly connect to your iOS device to transmit MIDI and power both the H4 and your iOS device independently via USB.

  17. Firstly, I confess that I currently don’t need a device like this – but I may do in future. My initial thought is that I have six keyboards and several expanders which all use 5 pin DIN. Only a couple of them have USB. Other people like me using legacy / retro equipment would appreciate more DIN I/O. This could be a combination of 5 pin DIN and TRS if panel space is limited.

    Also, my use case is probably more around a limited number of MIDI inputs (one or maybe two) but more outputs. Can the limited number of DIN sockets be made configurable as either input or output? (An LED could be used to indicate which is currently configured, to save confusion).

    If I think about possible future uses for me, it’s likely to centre around an iPad using TouchOSC and AudioBus 3 to control my rig for live use. I guess connection via Bluetooth would work for that, but so far with the iPad I have only used Wi-Fi or lightning to USB connection.

    1. Thanks for your feedback. Interesting scenario. I like the idea of a multi-purpose DIN port, but I am not sure if that is technically feasible. I’ll share it with the team. With the current design of this H4MIDI WC, you will be able to expand the number of outputs with for instance the MIDI Thru5 WC. It will convert 1 output to 5 outputs. Also, you can consider the U6MIDI Pro, create a separate routing setting and use that to daisy chain. I understand that will not entirely meet what you describe, but it is doable. That said, there is a great discussion going on in our Facebook Group about a larger solution, with more MIDI I/O. If you like, you can participate:

      When you are using an iPad, you can use the WIDI Core expansion to connect via Bluetooth. With our WIDI technology, I think you will be happy with the results. Also, you can use the USB-C port with a lightning to USB connection and utilise the 4 virtual MIDI ports that are integrated in the current design of the H4MIDI WC.

      Thanks again for taking the time to contribute. It is much appreciated!

      1. Many thanks. I do have a U6MIDI Pro and a U2MIDI Pro. Your tech support has been helping me set up the U6 and MIDI Tools. Off topic: I hope that those will soon have snapshots / patches for different routing and filtering via a software upgrade.

        1. Great to hear this. Yes, we are working on a similar preset option for the UxMIDI Tools, similar to what has been discussed in this blog about the preset function of the H4MIDI WC.

    1. Thanks. I agree. I’ll share your feedback internally. But if I am not mistaking, Din Sync will require a different wiring compared to current MIDI I/O, so I am not sure if we can do it!

  18. Re: Additionally, you'll have the ability to filter and remap MIDI messages, akin to our renowned UxMIDI Tools.

    Please expand the number of mapping rules–16 is such a small number that can only do few or basic things. Using a specific MIDI controller from one brand to control a device of another brand requires mapping as many rules as can be processed by the hardware. One such example is the Akai APC40 (original or Mk2), or APC64 which use very many CCs on many MIDI channels.

    1. Thanks for sharing this feedback. I think we limit this to ensure the software does not become too complex. What about adding presets? If you have 4 presets, like we are trying to integrate in this H4MIDI WC, you will have 4×16 options, switchable, so not simultaneously. Would that work for you?

  19. I'd buy this as is, but my only question is that if I buy it with the optional WIDI Core, can I do all configs with HxMIDI Tools that way?

    in my mental scenario, I see having a portable setup in a sort of suitcase with many synth modules using a mix of MIDI DIN and USB MIDI, controlled via BLE MIDI Devices (in my case Yamaha SHS500 for keys, woovebox for sequencing and a Birdkids Offgrid for drums). and be able to program everything via bluetooth without disconnecting the h4midi?

    1. This is why we do not integrate WIDI Core by default for now. It requires a different piece of software, compared to the HxMIDI Tools. We are working on an iOS version of the HxMIDI Tools, but it will require a connection via USB-C. The need of two pieces of software is one reason why we are hesitant to integrate WIDI by default, it might become too complex for newcomers to our products.

      Basically you can use WIDI App via Bluetooth to update the firmware of the WIDI module, and create WIDI group settings with up to 5 Bluetooth MIDI controllers and/or WIDI devices.

      The HxMIDI Tools requires a USB connection. With this you will be able to route from and to the WIDI Core module, but you will not be able to set the groups and update the firmware of the WIDI Core.

      Hope this helps!

  20. Do you plan to integrate inputs for volume and switch pedals? Some keyboards don't have them (like Roli Lumi), and I'd love to have them on this type of revolutionary interface ! Thanks.

  21. Anything WIDI makes my day. I really am tired of chasing USB-A, -B, -C cables all around the computer. So I have bought and used most of the CME WIDI products. The only thing that I can think of that may be a step up on the design of H4MIDI WC, is MIDI-Thru in addition to in and out. Seems like it would be a great deal.

    1. Thanks for your feedback and support. Basically, with the HxMIDI Tools, you can configure any MIDI routing process and set up the two 5-pin DIN Outputs as thru ports for defined inputs. These can be from the optional WIDI Core, the virtual MIDI ports of your operating system and of course, the USB host port 😉

  22. Any chances this thing could translate CC messages into NRPN to control those pesky machines who use them? That would be a complete all in one solution.

    1. This is possible but we need to invest time to develop. Maybe we are able to add it in a later iteration of the software.

  23. So much usb… I need only a few… but at least 8 I/O midi !
    Also for my jomox airbase it needs to filter active sens/reset or it bugs.
    Only this old Musiquest 8 port SE do that as far as I know and force me to keep a very old computer just for that !
    Then I'm still dreaming about something even more sofisticated with special midi delays for every channel seperatly, or multiple together
    Thanks for considering
    ps: just seen there gonna be bluetooth for being electrosensitiv it needs at least to be possilbe to turn it off (sometime even turned off it can increase magnetic field a lot, but usualy for devices on battery)

  24. Hey guys I love what you’re doing!!! I believe being able to have it through an Ethernet connection would be great too. I know many people like Will Doggot from Studio to Stage where they don’t like to have their Laptops on stage. If you’re able to run it to a laptop via Ethernet (so it can run longer) and have the interface on stage with a MIDI Controller like the Morning Star Engineering ones that have screens I believe it would be the ultimate MIDI control station being able to battle the Iconnectivity Mío. Having it rack mountable version as well would be a plus for more serious setups!!

  25. If I ever need to connect more devices to this and already have a U6MIDI Pro from you can I connect it via MIDI to H4MIDI WC to get a bit more devices connected?

    1. Yes, and you can set routing for both devices independently, and use them standalone and in daisy chain as you propose!

  26. Hi, I just registered, I'm excited with this device as I've been looking at the iconnectivity, etc. I do need, and have been visualising a small form midi standalone. The price is fantastic, tempting me to buy two. However, I'm happy to invest in one as it will suffice. I have thought TRS midi is so important, and relevant. Ultimately, it shouldn't cost too much to couple midi din with TRS, I would want more USB connections, but I can see how that may raise the price, and perhaps even the size of the device, which is counterproductive. Bedroom producers and most people that gig, don't have a lot of space. The H4MIDI is 90% there and captured the zeitgeist. Thank you…

  27. Question – When devices are connected via the USB-A port, are they visible to a computer connected via the USB-C port? Is the H4MIDI WC acting as a hub?

    Some of my synths have additional controls accessible via software, so it would be nice to be able to use them while the H4MIDI WC is handling MIDI routing.

    1. Yes, you can route all signals as you prefer via the HxMIDI Tools software. The H4MIDI WC is a MIDI interface, so all data it can send and receive must be part of the MIDI protocol.

  28. I am running M-Vave Chocolate foot controllers. Might be a solution to connect the M-Vave’s to a USB Hub, then use this Widi product output to my Roland V-Accordion and Korg Arranger.

  29. I’m signing up! I have quite kludge of MIDI Solutions, cables and BT with toting troubles with my iPad. Definitely want the BT addition. As I read, I had 2 thoughts. 1. MIDI reset (aka all notes off) might be nice, even if it was a power up feature, since I don’t sense any buttons. 2. I can see this replacing the “camera adapter “ in my USB-C iPad, but I wonder if I can route my presonus USB interface thru it somehow. Probably not? So I’ll still want a hub on the iPad?

    Thanks, FusionDan

    1. 1. This might be a good idea for a future larger edition 😉 Thanks
      2. I assume your presonus is an audio interface. You cannot route that via the H4. If it were a MIDI Thru box, you could plug it into the 5-pin DIN MIDI Out and daisy chain it. What you can do is connect it to your iPad via Bluetooth and keep the USB port for your audio interface.

      Thanks a lot and hope this helps!

  30. I read all the bluetooth comments, and wasn't sure about this, to connect this to a iPad via bluetooth midi, I can just get a WIDI core processor thingy and install it and then the iPad can then talk MIDI to other devices connected to it and configure the routing with software?

  31. What’s the anticipated timing on when the presale will actually happen? I’m in need a good USB midi host now, and this one seems for me to have everything I need and more.

    1. The presale is about to start. That does not mean it will be delivered next week. The manufacturing process has to start, we are aiming at a processing time of about 3 months, at this stage. Hope this helps

  32. I have never used any of your products but I am excited to this in my home studio or in a live performance! I am keyboard player! So this looks interesting & I am always looking for ways to sync all of my keyboards & midi controllers! Thanks

  33. Any hopes of adding "Ableton Link" to Midi clock sync? There are several iOS apps that use Ableton link and it would be great to be able to synchronize those with hardware gear.

    1. Ableton Link is an Ableton owned protocol that operates via Wi-FI. You can simply use WIDI for Bluetooth MIDI – which is an international standard open to all manufacturers – to achieve the same result.

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