Simple & Stress-Free Staging Environment

Never break your live site again. Experience the freedom of developing and testing as many staging sites as you want.

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Comprehensive Testing. Simple Deployment.

Cloudways Staging Environment offers a sandbox where you can test new code base, plugins and themes without breaking the live site. Your staging sites are connected to the live site and you can use Push and Pull operations to move data between the two.

Simple and Robust Staging Environment

Test all aspects of your website without worrying about affecting the live version.

 secure staging

Secure Staging Environment

By default, htpasswd is enabled on your staging environment for maximum security. You have the option to disable the staging’s password protection.

 sftp access

SSH and SFTP Access

By default, htpasswd is enabled on your staging environment for maximum security. You have the option to disable the staging’s password protection.

 IP White-listing

IP Whitelisting

Whitelist IP addresses and get unrestricted access over multiple networks through SSH and SFTP.


24/7 Expert Support

Our active and caring support is active any day of the year. Highlight your issue and our team will do the magic.


Five Cloud Providers

60+ data centers of five world-class cloud providers including AWS, GCE, and DigitalOcean.

 SSL-Enabled Staging environment

SSL-Enabled Staging

SSL certificates are pre-installed on all staging applications. You can use Let’s Encrypt certificate or your custom SSL certificate.

Managed Hosting Plans That Work for Your Business

Pay as you go plans for everyone.


See All Pricing


  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • Unlimited App Installation
  • Free Migration
  • Free SSL Certificates

Our Customers, Our Success

Frequently Asked Questions

You have the option of backing up your live site before creating the staging websites.

If the staging website is created on an existing server, you don’t have to pay anything. However, if you launch a new server, the regular server operation charges apply.

When you push/pull to the live site, you will get two options to copy 1. Web Application Files and Database. Select the database to copy the data to the staging sites.

All staging websites can be protected by SSL certificates that encrypt all end-to-end communication. You can use a FREE Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate or use your own. Most importantly, you can setup password on staging sits to increase the security of the site and the Push/Pull process.

Every Push and Pull request is individually recorded in the Deployment logs and you can have a detailed history of all requests.

No, the current server and application settings would not be cloned at the staging site.

Quit Worrying About Hosting Hassles

Host phenomenal websites on a managed platform built for digital agencies, developers, and ecommerce businesses, all backed by 24/7/365 support.