[Preliminary] Introduction to cross-border platform
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[Preliminary] Introduction to cross-border platform
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Cross border e-commerce
Course Introduction
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About Instructor
Gold lecturer
Hugo cross-border incubation coach, Amazon senior lecturer, 8 years of Amazon operation experience, once worked in a well-known e-commerce company, and worked as a real operation seller. Have rich experience in Amazon store operation, and be proficient in Amazon platform rules and policies; He is good at digging deep into product lines to create blockbuster products, and the boutique layout of Amazon stores, as well as marketing and promotion of activities inside and outside the station.
Gold lecturer
Hugo cross-border incubation coach, Amazon senior lecturer, and cross-border e-commerce senior trader. Familiar with 0-1 account operation plan management, proficient in Amazon data analysis, Amazon seller team pain point analysis and profit optimization, and good at Amazon site operation, off-site promotion and sales promotion; He has rich Amazon teaching experience, has trained more than ten thousand students, assisted more than one hundred factories to achieve successful B2C transformation, and has his own Amazon operation team.
Gold lecturer
The head lecturer of Rainbow, 10 years of foreign trade and e-commerce practitioners, 7 years of cross-border e-commerce experience, and 4 years of senior training lecturer. Be good at sharing professional knowledge, skills and industry experience in simple terms, and interpret the latest information and trends in the industry; Cross border e-commerce operation with technical background, give full play to the advantages of computer technology background, deeply explore and understand the platform algorithm and rules, develop new products based on data and industry experience, formulate product promotion plans, and take the initiative to create blockbusters; The operation team planning and organizing, which pursues the perfect combination of management science and art, creates a learning and enterprising operation team.
Course Introduction

In order to help cross-border novices choose the right platform for operation,

We specially planned this course,

Learn about the rules of major mainstream and emerging platforms

Platform policy and basic introductory practice,

Clear your mind, know what platform you are suitable for, and what platform you can do!

[The course content covers]

1. Introduction to Amazon Platform

2. Shopee platform introduction

3. Lazada Platform Introduction

4. Introduction to AliExpress platform

5. Introduction to eBay Platform

6. Introduction to the Wish Platform

7. Introduction to Self built Station Platform

We will also update it from time to time. Welcome to leave comments on the courses you want to learn!

[Suitable for sellers]

Do not know about cross-border and do not know what platform to be a seller

Traditional foreign trade B2B practitioners

New cross-border e-commerce sellers

Cross border sellers who encounter relevant problems in operation

All 30 classes
1-2 Amazon advanced operation high click CPC optimization routine
Duration: 15:38
1-1 How to get more orders by optimizing keywords
Duration: 59:33
Scan the code to join the seller communication group
Duration: 00:15
Detailed explanation of four Amazon websites (15 countries) (Part 1)
Duration: 22:28
Detailed explanation of four Amazon websites (15 countries) (Part 2)
Duration: 15:32
Preview of basic fees on Amazon platform (monthly rent, commission, etc.)
Duration: 20:12
Shopee platform rules and punishment mechanism
Duration: 38:40
Shopee site analysis and hot sales category
Duration: 51:21
Market analysis of Lazada countries 1
Duration: 21:52
Market analysis of Lazada countries 2
Duration: 22:53
Lazada's overseas localization operation skills
Duration: 20:13
Lazada has a bright future in e-commerce market in Southeast Asia
Duration: 14:40
Shopping habits of consumers in Lazada Southeast Asia
Duration: 20:44
Quicksell B2C, seize the good opportunity of cross-border development
Duration: 24:50
How does AliExpress register an account
Duration: 13:11
Introduction to AliExpress account authentication and common problems
Duration: 06:31
How to settle in AliExpress
Duration: 32:34
Analysis of AliExpress platform rules
Duration: 41:14
EBay registration process
Duration: 28:39
Detailed explanation of ebay platform mechanism
Duration: 01:08:56
Introduction to eBay cross-border e-commerce platform
Duration: 57:22
Introduction to the advantages of the Wish platform
Duration: 09:38
Wish platform commission rate and service charge
Duration: 05:01
Conditions and procedures for the settlement of Wish
Duration: 05:53
Wish Prohibited Goods Policy
Duration: 19:36
Differences between independent stations and e-commerce platforms
Duration: 10:40
What are the benefits of independent stations
Duration: 12:43
Why e-commerce platform sellers need independent stations
Duration: 12:49
How to Position the Independent Foreign Trade Station
Duration: 07:35
What preparations need to be made before building an independent station
Duration: 08:13
Hugo cross-border lecturer team
Organization qualification certification
Hugo Cross border Training Center