Advantages of offsite drainage
Higher cost performance
For most small and medium-sized sellers, the cost of advertising on the site is high, and it is difficult to bear this cost for a long time. Generally, small and medium-sized sellers are cautious about the choice of promotion on the site, so the traffic on the site is limited, and it is easy to reach the bottleneck. Therefore, offsite drainage has become another promotion option with higher cost performance.
Higher conversion rate
Off site drainage is a full flow conversion point. The customers that sellers reach when they sell goods outside Amazon are users who use the Internet. On the contrary, the customer groups that can be touched by Amazon's on site drainage are limited to one sales platform, and the exposure rate and conversion rate of goods are naturally lower than that of off site drainage.
Higher search weight
If the seller considers cultivating a listing to step into the Top 100 BSR, the configuration of offsite drainage is necessary. The sales growth brought about by offsite drainage will help to improve the search weight, increase the listing ranking of products, and thus increase the search volume on the site. Amazon platform also encourages sellers to introduce high-quality traffic from outside the site.
Drainage channel
Drainage strategy
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